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61. She is author of 14 academic books such as The Poetics of Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage, and nearly 400 essays. 62. Yip , Wailim. Comparative Poetics. Taipei: East University Book Company, 1983. 63. Northrop Frye was a twentieth-century critic who tried to adapt chapter two of Aristotle's Poetics to the study of modern literature. 64. The reason for the forming of his poetics system lies in that his consciousness of responsibility as historiographer and emphasis on the practical knowledge of managing state affairs. 65. It is a prevailing idea that the classical Chinese poetics emphasized only lyricism and representation while neglecting mimesis; mimesis seems to be the patent owned by the Western. 66. His translated poems were canonized in the historical process of interaction of ideology, poetics and patronage. 67. The conspectus: across-the-board summarize and generalize forefather's research on the poesy and poetics theory of B. 68. The birth of the west symbolist poetics had some link with the subjective pursuit of metaphysics, and came to integrate symbolism, the speech strategy with wholeness. 69. Medieval theories of love and the diverse poetics they inspired are discussed in contrast. 70. Aristotle's Poetics advocates the " dramatic unities '', the unities of action, place and time. 71. Jakobson has an interesting point in Linguistics and Poetics about that moment when we're nearby and an accident takes place or something like that. 72. It is concerned more with verse than prose and represents the Poetics of Gongorism. 73. This paper tries to examine closely the relationship between defamiliarization and the Childlike innocence, so as to make a brief comment on Chinese classical poetics and literary canonization. 74. Physiognomic poetics originates from the development of physiognomy and poetics, esp. the mystical words in the form of poems during the Spring and Autumn Period and Han Dynasty. 75. English has no word whose meaning encompasses imaginative literature , and so poetics must do by default. 76. This kind of poetics is closely related to literary and aesthetical view of seeking " harmony ", " humanity ", and " purity ". 77. Cassirer's symbol poetics defines literature as creation of symbol form on the basis of his symbolic formal philosophy. 78. Memory is one of the resources for poems and poetics, and memory image frequently appears in Bei Dao's poems. 79. All these provide some enlightenments to the reconstruction of contemporary poetics and axiological aesthetics. 80. This paper makes efforts to analyze with full and accurate examples how ideology, poetics,[www.] value and religion affect Lin Shu and induce his cultural mistranslation . 81. From literary criticism to theoretic construction is one of poetics production patterns. 82. Yet its internality and tendency of spiritualization endow the principal poetics with a modern connotation. 83. A comparative approach used to be the most representative one in comparative poetics. 84. With remarkable experiences in poetics, he gives comments in the critical field with the attitude and method to combine historical appraisal and analysis of characteristics. 85. T . Hsia to be the Poetics of Alienation from many parts, and treated it dialectically. 86. The way of expression contains a contradiction between the western modern means which is typified by symbol and the Chinese comparison and affective image in traditional poetics. 87. They are constant thought or wise changes, the nature's following or the Tao's following, and wit or satori. They reflect the common features of human spirit in Sino-British poetics. 88. In ancient Chinese poetics, especially in its theories of fiction and opera, there are rich theoretical statements and comments on mimesis.