throughout the day造句31. This is why people who want to build muscle have 4 or 5 smaller meals throughout the day.
32. This new diet involves eating very small amounts throughout the day.
33. Overnight, the fighting calmed down a little but it picked up again the next morning and raged on throughout the day.
34. Throughout the day trained police negotiators kept up a dialogue with Mr Say by telephone and at the door of the bungalow.
35. Classes are carefully time-tabled throughout the day, and occasionally stretch into the evenings.
36. Because they are more slowly metabolised, unrefined foods supply a steady stream of energy throughout the day.
37. The bond and currency markets, trading primarily via phone, operated throughout the day, but sluggishly.
38. We gave thanks and praise-bes throughout the day and were taught to begin and end our day in communion with the Lord.
39. The demand for electricity is uneven throughout the day, involving certain periods of peak demand.
40. At least 1,000 passengers were stranded at the airport as inbound flights throughout the day were diverted to Portland, Ore.
41. The room has good light throughout the day so he doesn't have to set a particular schedule.
42. This sort of open access to school resources goes on throughout the day.
43. These hot spots manifest them-selves in the nearly constant internal chatter that follows us throughout the day.
44. Tarts were available throughout the day in the deli.
45. Keeps skin hydrated throughout the day.
46. This way, queries accessing the MQT will return the same result throughout the day even though the underlying data is being updated periodically.
47. It emerged that gurnard are among the most talkative, making distinctive grunts and keeping up a pattern of chatter throughout the day.
48. Polyphasic sleep involves taking multiple short sleep periods throughout the day instead of getting all your sleep in one long chunk.
49. "We had an extraordinarily productive set of sessions throughout the day," Obama said, adding he senses a clear consensus about the need "here and now" for health care reform.
50. He prints out a detailed call list of prospective employers to take with him, squeezing in phone conversations during breaks throughout the day from his pickup truck, which he calls his "office."
51. Some combinations - especially those involving a protease inhibitor - require swallowing many pills throughout the day, which some people find hard to do.
52. In the capital Libreville the atmosphere was described as tense throughout the day.
53. Better, says sleep researcher James Wyatt of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, to consume a little caffeine in the morning and continue to take it in very small doses throughout the day.
54. Bangladesh TV channels continued telecasting Saddam's execution as lead news throughout the day.
55. Spritz over the body anytime throughout the day to top up your fragrance and leave the skin feeling refreshed.
56. Obesity. Reaching for calorie-free glasses of water throughout the day helps many people stay filled up enough to pass on snacks, says Prevention Fitness Editor Michele Stanten.
57. My sister usually grazes on junk food throughout the day.
58. Your purchasing power changes throughout the day as your total trade equity and margins change.
59. Indeed, the reality is that you will want to interact in a playful manner throughout the day when at all possible.
60. Enjoy a pleasant mint fragrance that entices the most sensitive noses. Feel confident throughout the day as our Mint Julep Deodorant Stick leaves you with a refreshed and comforted feeling.