快好知 kuaihz

31. The newlyweds left later for their honeymoon to an unannounced destination. 32. He dropped in on companies unannounced, like a door-to-door salesman, arriving in a "big and safe" Lincoln Town Car he rented in every city. Once, to keep costs low, Gou slept in the backseat. 33. We can detect a nascent self-possession the east has not known for many centuries. That is what is new among Asians – elusive, unannounced and unmistakable all at once. 34. Also, the Department of Agriculture will now make unannounced visits. 35. CERES has to policy of performing about 10 % unannounced inspections on a randomized basis. 36. People will be irritated by unannounced friends who pop in without calling first. 37. We can't go up to her place unannounced after midnight. 38. The following day Coetsee paid an impromptu unannounced visit to the world's most famous political prisoner. 39. He returned, unannounced, to Caracas on July 4th in time to watch (on television) the celebrations of the bicentenary of Venezuela's independence. 40. If a restaurant doesn't earn an A during its first inspection, it's considered scored but ungraded and a Health Department official will show up unannounced to re-inspect and possibly award a grade. 41. Persons of higher status also may enter a subordinate's space unannounced. 42. Little as the Vander Luydens encouraged unannounced visits , he could count on being asked to dine. 43. A particularly fun new game is to march off unannounced a walk. 44. The unannounced design institutes cannot be engaged in design for relevant water project construction. 45. The United States'Defense Secretary went to Afghanistan for an unannounced visit. 46. You shouldn't have ditched class yesterday. We had an unannounced test. 47. The Chinese government imposed an unannounced embargo on all shipments of raw rare earths to Japan for two months starting in mid-September, during a territorial dispute over islands.