快好知 kuaihz

in the evening造句
31 The village lay tranquil in the evening sunlight. 32 In the evening we went to see a movie. 33 She will run over her lines in the evening. 34 In the evening, the people assemble in the mosques. 35 The wind always picks up in the evening. 36 We sat on the terrace in the evening. 37 The lilies release their heady perfume in the evening. 38 We decided to begin the experiment in the evening. 39 The article appeared in the evening edition of 'The Mercury'. 40 In the evening we spruced ourselves up a bit and went out for dinner. 41 We played a couple of frames of snooker in the evening. 42 A glass of wine in the evening helps me to unwind after work. 43 Later in the evening, Lewis began to croon another Springsteen song. 44 It's been a long time since I heard a blackbird's song in the evening. 45 She rakes the ashes out of the stove in the evening every day. 46 In the evening this station changes frequency and broadcasts on another band. 47 I generally stay at home in the evening and am not at home on Saturday evening. 48 I used to eat out in the evening when my parents were on nightshifts. 49 The plane takes off in the evening.How can I fill in the time between? 50 When I told him what his son had done in the evening party,he laughed himself into fits. 51 Some of the shops are not shut until in the evening even on early closing day. 52 The main street was ablaze with lights in the evening. 53 In the evening of his life he traveled from place to place. 54 I'll work till late in the evening, but my weekends are sacrosanct. 55 a cream tea. It can also be a main meal eaten early in the evening, especially by children:What time do the kids have their tea? 56 When I'm going out in the evening I use the bike if I can rather than the car. 57 They worked without a break until about eight in the evening. 58 We come to the stable to rack up the horses in the evening every day. 59 She's careful to neaten her desk before she leaves in the evening. 60 In the evening I returned to tell Phyllis our relationship was over.