marches造句31. We succeeded in doing this despite the Czech authorities' decision to ban marches in the city.
32. Outside in the street student protest marches wander aimlessly by.
33. In the environmental movement, it was women who led demonstrations and marches and clung to trees to stop them being felled.
34. Protests continued in June in Belgrade as students staged anti-Milosevic marches.
35. Miners and workers held hunger strikes and marches, and blocked roads in the following weeks.
36. The county of Shropshire in the Marches has some beautiful and varied scenery.
37. The two December marches by right-wing women were important public relations exercises in support of hardliners in the government.
38. You know more than we who live in this backwater on the Marches.
39. The police commandos surrounding the compound retaliate with barrages of military marches delivered by portable speakers.
40. Instead of acquiescing, as most blacks had done in the nonviolent marches in the South, the crowd attacked the police.
41. Picketing gave way to marches through factories, when workers would chase blacklegs and occasionally kidnap managers.
42. Likewise, Chicano activists have held marches and demonstrations in San Diego during the convention.
43. One platoon splits off and marches toward the crowd, their bayoneted rifles set at a 45-degree angle.
44. Sometimes it means they help organize marches in front of crack houses.
45. Woe betide anyone who was untidy or out of step on one of the marches.
46. The provisions related to public assemblies vary slightly from those for marches and processions.
47. He said that written permission would still be required for marches.
48. The beat drops and Sister Souljah marches on, up and down the stage, jabbing at the audience with her finger.
49. Between the injunction against mass marches and the subcommittee, Daley had time to breathe.
50. Also Tuesday, opposition leaders said they will mount a new challenge to riot police blocking protest marches.
51. The ban is a blanket ban covering all marches or all marches of a particular class such as political marches.
51. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
52. A portable sound system blared military marches, part of a continuing campaign of psychological warfare.
53. This is most evident in those provisions relating to the policing of static assemblies and marches and processions.
54. He was sufficiently influenced by the Lewisham events to seek a ban on similar marches in the months that followed.
55. The marches were little more than an escape valve for an establishment broadly supported in its basest enterprises by the mainstream.
56. After the official Red Square parade there were two unofficial marches in Moscow, sanctioned by the city soviet.
57. And as the electric industry is deregulated and marches toward increased competition, inefficient utilities could get clobbered.
58. Any day now, we fully expect to hear some guy playing Sousa marches in his armpit.
59. I was there because of sit-ins and marches and riots.
60. A forest of matchwood and cheap furniture marches in rows.