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(61) There are two reasons inducing thin pores crassitude:First, thin pores is generally in the shape of open. Second, thin pores is blocked by cutin and dirt. (62) Method:Analyse inducing drug, severity, injury type, main representation and occurrence time in the 163 ADR cases of clinical reports in our hospital. (63) Producing effect of cucumber plant induced resistance has great relationship with inducer categories and inducing methods. (64) It is proposed that these oxygen groups improve carbon wettability, although they can also contribute to capacitance by faradic reactions, inducing pseudocapacitance . (65) By multiple factor analysis, abnormal posture, emotional tension, moisture and fatigue were the main inducing factors of incidence of cervical spondylopathy. (66) Objective:To discuss the cause and treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation inducing leg unsymmetry radicular pain. (67) Cow's milk can produce iron deficiency by providing little dietary iron itself, and at the same time producing iron loss by inducing gastrointestinal bleeding. (68) EBV may play a role in inducing B lymphocyte activation by stimulating the hyper-expression of CD23 in pSS. Thus lead to the injury of glands and outer glands. (69) At present, there were not typical condition of inducing osteoanagenesis. (70) "This study suggests that blocking RSK activity inhibits fibrogenesis directly by inducing HSC apoptosis, and indirectly, by reducing liver injury and inflammation, " the authors conclude. (71) Inducing the expulsion of gas from the stomach and intestines. (72) Well cleanup technology of combined acidifying, liquid CO2 and air compressor blowout inducing method was used. (73) Antitranspirants may work by depositing a waterproof film over the stomata or by inducing stomatal closure. (74) The team found that inducing ischemia in isolated murine hearts triggered MIF release, leading to AMPK activation and impaired downstream glucose uptake. (75) The procedure for inducing and selecting variants from stem apexes of Hypericum perforatum was established, and a variant with higher hypericin was obtained. (76) The CPPU is a kind of novel plant growth regulator which has higher activities in promoting cell division, fruit setting and inducing parthenocarpy. (77) Among many causes of infection , iatrogenic problems are the important predisposing cause inducing traumatic infection. (78) The critical photoperiods for inducing ACB larval diapause were different in the geographic populations. (79) This paper deals with proliferation culture, plumule elongation, strong plant culture and root inducing on tissue culture of Leucadendron floridum. (80) The reasons for inducing quadrature error and offset error are analyzed and the expressions of quadrature error and offset error are induced. (81) The possibility of combustion ratio of boiler and control valve of governing system disturbance inducing the variation of . (82) In the next section, we'll look at the most common methods of inducing a hypnotic trance. (83) Objective : To investigate the mechanism inducing apptosis of human glomerular mesangial cells ( Mcs ) by anti Fas antibody. (84) Dendritic cells ( DCs ) play an important role in inducing immune tolerance. (85) Dendritic cells - antigen presenting cell, which has special function in activating T cells and inducing immune reaction. (86) Luteolin can also sensitize a number of apoptosis - inducing factors by unique mechanisms. (87) Summary of Background Data. Both mechanical and chemical factors hae been identified as important for inducing radiculopathy. (88) Conclusion: STT exerts its cytotoxic effect on BEL - 7402 cells by inducing apoptosis. (89) Varieties like the Death Cap, Destroying Angels and Deadly Webcap are highly poisonous and capable of inducing death (i.e. killing you). (90) It is an essential precondition for inducing ambient vibration data of an aircraft with the state inductive method.