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word of god造句
31. Men were departing from the word of God, and exalting theories of their own invention. 32. Obama quoted three times from the Koran, the 114-chapter Islamic holy book that Muslims revere as the word of God revealed to Muhammad, the founder of Islam, in the 7th century. 33. Thus, a word of God, giving his own authoritative promise of redemption, must be self - attesting. 34. Came to the pier, sea and there are pieces of brown stone, far from being handsome, stone-Indian mother locals call it, the word of God for the Matsu into the sea when the remains. 35. Tim. 4:5 For it is sanctified through the word of God and intercession. 36. So that even a text like the Decalogue, which is represented as being the unmediated word of God, can appear in more than one version. 37. His search for the truth brought him to the True Jesus Church in Ipoh, Malaysia. There he studied the Word of God with our ministers for a few months. 38. Christ met each of these temptations. His constant answer came from his desire to do the will of God and his knowledge of the Word of God. 39. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 40. October 27 The word of God was not a commandment, but a covenant. 41. And in the mists of a Roman night, the dilemma also remains. On the one hand, Bellarmine , bureaucrat, defender of the Church, believed the Bible was the literal word of God. 42. The reason the Word of God can have such power to lay open the heart is because it the sword of the Spirit. 43. Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. 44. We reach the maturity in Christ through learning to be the disciples of Christ by studying the Word of God and living according to the truth. 45. Thus he turned the minds of men from the pope and the Church of Rome to the word of God. 46. Therefore love the Word of God exceedingly and forever be in awe! 47. Revelation: We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, inerrant and eternal. It is the criterion for our words, deeds, thoughts, life and work. 48. We are also to share the biblical essentials of our faith clearly. We must not handle the Word of God "deceitfully" (v. 2). 49. While He was obedient in every particular to the word of God, He did not conform to the rabbinical rites and usages. 50. You will never again distrust the word of God and his helpers. 51. The prophet Lehi compared the word of God an iron rod. 52. Paul tells us to stand in truth, to be sure of our salvation, to live a holy life, to be at peace in our hearts and to always have the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) in our hands. 52.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 53. But the Crickmores say it was "a fair trade, " because now the Fulani people have the Word of God in a language they can read. 54. He believed that the Bible was the inerrant word of God but that few people understood its true meaning. 55. Take the helmet of salvation the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 56. That message is the power of the word of God, as contrasted with the weakness of men. 57. In Saint John's Gospel, especially in the prologue(1: 1-14), the creative word of God, which is itself God and incarnate in Jesus. 58. The Word of God promises that no good thing will He withhold from those who walk blamelessly before Him. 59. Holy Scripture, as the inspired Word of God witnessing authoritatively to Jesus Christ, may properly be called infallible and inerrant. 60. There is no more proof that the Bible is the Word of God, than that the Koran of Mahomet is the Word of God...