快好知 kuaihz

121. The talks eventually broke down in late spring. 122. Protesters failed to sabotage the peace talks. 123. The peace talks were on the verge of collapse. 124. The instructor never talks personalities. 125. He always talks in a whisper. 126. The talks foundered on the issue of compensation. 127. The management is having talks with the workers. 128. What's the status of the trade talks? 129. This agreement will clear the way for further talks. 130. The agreement was concluded during talks in Beijing. 131. After four hours of talks, an agreement was reached. 132. Talks will now begin about integrating the activities of both companies. 133. The breakdown in talks represents a temporary setback in the peace process. 134. The postponement was due to a dispute over where the talks should be held. 135. The question of the peace settlement is likely to figure prominently in the talks. 136. She resembles her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks. 137. All talks have so far been conducted through an intermediary. 138. The delegation will visit several Middle Eastern countries for talks. 139. It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks. 140. If this round of talks fails, the world's trading environment is likely to become increasingly hostile. 141. She talks so much that you can't get a word in. 142. These talks are a matter of life and death for the factory. 143. Although talks have broken down the door has beenleft open.Sentence dictionary 144. The peace talks are being held against a background of increasing violence. 145. The success of the talks turns on whether both sides are willing to make some concessions. 146. The talks between the two leaders look likely to spill over into the weekend. 147. There was a new mood of realism among the leaders at the peace talks. 148. The opposing forces on the island have been brought together for peace talks. 149. She talks all the time and hardly stops to draw breath. 150. Talks between the neighbouring countries were called off following a border incident.