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carbon monoxide造句
121, The result is that unburned gasoline or carbon monoxide come out the tail pipe. 122, With an increase in fire accidents, smoke inhalation of carbon monoxide and hydrocyanic acid has become the main reason of cyanide poisoning nowadays. 123, Carbon monoxide causes vasorelaxation and is produced naturally as a result of the breakdown of haemoglobin. 124, If as in the prototype, water and/or carbon dioxide are pumped into the vessel, the ceria will rapidly strip the oxygen from them as it cools, creating hydrogen and/or carbon monoxide. 125, There is also a special carbon monoxide standard applicable to engine operation in low temperatures. 126, Objective To explore resistance to carbon monoxide poisonous hypoxia by Ligustrazin. 127, Although steam to carbon ratio influences thermal efficiency not too much, it influences hydrogen and carbon monoxide concentration quite much. 128, Polyketone (STCO) was prepared by the copolymerization of carbon monoxide and styrene catalyzed by a composite catalyst system- palladium acetate, 2,2' bipyrodine associated with a strong acid. 129, Carbon monoxide causes tissue hypoxia, globus pallidus damage as well as diffuse white mater lesions and encephalopathic changes. 130, Second - hand contains carbon monoxide, ammonia, formaldehyde a pyrene and nitrosamines. 131, Researchers also blamed exposure to nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulates for the increase. 132, Objective : To investigate the curative effects of hyperbaric delayed encephalopathy after carbon monoxide poisoning ( DEACMP ) . 133, As tobacco cigarette burns, a potpourri of 4000 chemicals is released, including carbon monoxide and hydrocyanic acid. 134, Carbon monoxide and nitrous acid ester are synthesized through coupling reaction into diester carbonate in the presence of catalyst and at relatively low pressure and temperature. 135, First, carbon monoxide and hydrogen react to form methane, which has one carbon atom. 136, The injured miners had carbon monoxide poisoning, Xinhua reported,[http:///carbon monoxide.html] quoting doctors at a nearby hospital. 137, Hydrocarbons ( HC ), like carbon monoxide, represent unburned and wasted fuel. 138, Watch of toxic eye ministry has carbon monoxide eye flesh is paralytic, cross sexual amaurosis . 139, It was observed that the main products of ethane oxidative dehydrogenation were ethene, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. 140, These filters reduce air pollution by minimizing the discharge of unburned carbon monoxide. 141, AIM: To study the role of carbon monoxide (CO) in the mechanism of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-8) for attenuation of acute lung injury (ALI) induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). 142, Most of the injured were being treated for carbon monoxide poisoning, doctors in Gujiao told Xinhua. 143, So how do you think the carbon monoxide got into the cockpit? 144, Methods: 52 cases of delayed encephalopathy after carbon monoxide poisoning were treated with hyperbaric oxygen. 145, It's a new safety device. It detects smoke, carbon monoxide, and abnormally high levels of hostility. 146, Such gases as the carbon monoxide gas that factories and cars vent polluted the air seriously. 147, Data on the hydrogen and carbon monoxide responses of thick film is reported. Both the electronical conductivity and chemical stability of the thick-film are good enough. 148, Examine the serum lipids and carbon monoxide content and other index. Results: 1, Muddy phlegm and blood stasis are the major illness reasons for hyperlipoproteinemia. 149, Research has shown that menthol cigarettes may provide higher levels of carbon monoxide, nicotine and cotinine per cigarette smoked than regular cigarettes. 150, Airborne pollutants such as carbon monoxide were 4 times higher than average readings - the worst seen to date in the Russian capital.