cooling造句31. There were also continued signs of a cooling economy that will make inflation less likely to pick up speed in coming months.
32. If the cooling system sprang a leak pilots had to land and mend the pipe with chewing gum and insulation tape.
33. Much of the discussion in the 19705 was preoccupied with global cooling, not warming.
34. There was a scent of wild flowers and grass cooling after a hot day.
35. Infrared cooling of the surface is also inhibited, but heat radiation is less affected by dust than visible light.
36. The car made cooling, metallic ticks sitting there, giving off heat as I passed it.
37. These conditions are frequently found in cooling towers, hot water systems and header tanks.
38. Does the Land Rover petrol engine have a reputation for inadequate cooling when operated in tropical climates?
39. Moreover the baked bread tends to collapse on cooling or to be uncooked in the centre.
40. For example, while heating of the lithosphere may account for uplift, subsidence may result from lithospheric cooling.
41. For that reason, the gradual restraint of inflation and cooling of this overheated economy look impossible.
42. The glass used in those roofs undergoes a special toughening process involving heat treatment followed by rapid cooling.
43. They also produce less waste heat, so complex and expensive cooling systems are not needed.
44. The most likely explanation for this is that the vehicle itself is not actually speeding up, but the cooling fan is!
45. Outside, the Talbot Horizon was cooling its smug self after bunny-hopping me through the north London gridlock.
46. The original plans optimistically called for cooling coils at the peak of the 85-foot glass roof over the jungle section.
47. Engineers were unable to find the source of the problem in the spacecraft's cooling system.
48. Physically the process of cooling a polymer through its glass transition would then be as follows.
49. Using laser cooling, scientists trap the atoms, holding them within carefully tuned beams of laser light.
50. The interior cooling recorded by contraction at the surface must have persisted over a long period.
51. Filters must be cleaned, cooling systems drained, and the whole assembly checked regularly and carefully for gas leaks.
52. It blew under her waistcoat as well. cooling her body where the hot loaf had been, making her shiver.
53. His key evolutionary innovation was separating the heating chamber from the cooling chamber; this made his engine extremely powerful.
54. The surfaces of these planets were very hot and continually battered by meteorites, which prevented much cooling taking place.
55. Our sources, who are cooling their heels waiting for chips, continue to think Intel is having problems making the parts.
56. Strain stock through a fine mesh strainer, divide stock among several small bowls or containers to speed cooling, and cool.
57. Taken in connection with other programs now under way, the cooling device should improve survival chances for winter-run salmon.
58. This cooling effect can also produce unwanted condensation on the inside of the greenhouse dripping on to plants below.
59. The soffit vents provide cooling air at the eaves, the ridge vent allows the air flow constantly.
60. In addition, it would consume liquid nitrogen for cooling purposes at approximately £20 per trip.