provided with造句31. As part of the registration process, you're provided with a unique encryption key.
32. It is well provided with leisure facilities for sports and arts.
33. When provided with feedback-particularly if they had received little feedback previously-employees al-most inevitably improved their performance.
34. He then enclosed it in a transparent box which he provided with a mechanism for straining the specimen in bending.
35. The customer is provided with an unstamped addressed label, special wrapper or container.
36. The consumer must be provided with copies of the consumer credit agreement but this requirement will vary.
37. Very few working class houses had indoor lavatories before 1918 and at worst were provided with ash or midden privies.
38. You move into a group of houses within a walled compound, provided with all the security services you require.
39. He was provided with a false passport in the name of William Goode.
40. The contact becomes an act only if in some way or another it can be provided with a social meaning.
41. Good sense is the most equitably distributed of all things because no matter how much or little a person has, everyone feels so abundantly provided with good sense that he feels no desire for more than he already possesses.Rene Descartes
42. There she's been provided with Braille equipment and a talking computer.
43. Those who need to know should be provided with the lessons learned as soon as possible.
44. The new tap should be provided with a sealing washer or gasket.
45. Many sea-urchins of temperate waters have tiny pronged pincers, often provided with poison glands.
46. Thus the children were provided with information about temporal priority but not about generative transmission.
47. Now a third will be provided with this facility by the addition of an electrical control panel.
48. Product particulars relating to Midland Pensions including details of charges will be provided with your illustration.
49. Every branch tube part is provided with a thermocouple.
50. All surfaces are provided with highly reflective coatings.
51. The main controller is provided with a delay unit.
52. Each was provided with a lantern.
53. Complete instructions will be provided with your purchase confirmation.
54. A radio frequency electric wire is connected with the afterbody of the radio frequency cutter body and the anterior part of the radio frequency cutter body is provided with a bit.
55. The invention discloses a multifunction burglary-resisting window, which is provided with a window body, a clothes hanger and a flower pot frame.
56. An electrochemical cell is provided with an enhanced pressure relief vent formed in a closed end of the cell container that achieves effective venting of gas from the closed end of the container.
57. The invention aims to provide the top discharge hammer crusher which can reduce dust pollution and is provided with the overlarge crushing angle.
58. The NIBCO HPR butterfly valve can be provided with heavy - duty weatherproof operator and indicator.
59. In this screen editor, a method is adopted for editing a text with a cursor, and the user is provided with a cursor as moveable as one pleases.
60. Both sides of the arrow-shaped patch are provided with appended patches.