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1, In symphonic writing he is the master craftsman. 2, The first movement is a conventional symphonic Allegro. 3, Symphonic Serenade for string orchestra, Op. 39. 4, He is at home playing anything from symphonic masterworks to swing. 5, Korngold wrote the Symphonic Serenade while convalescing from a heart attack in 1950. 6, However, this is not a study of symphonic forms, and our sole purpose is to indicate the situation. 7, His is the only post-war body of symphonic and chamber music to achieve genuine popularity. 8, He has composed chamber music, symphonic works and opera, and conducted his music around the globe. 9, Symphonic concerts abound in the bigger cities. 10, His works include operas, symphonic, choral and chamber music. 11, Nature's symphonic world was drowned by man's industrial cacophony. 12, He prefers opera to symphonic music. 13, From 1957 to 1962, symphonic creation became even brisker. 14, Chapter II: Sibelius symphonic poem characteristics of creative techniques. 15, Overture or symphonic poem? 16, The later drama music and symphonic music tend to take it as the symbol of landscapes, especially that of the scenes of the Alps. 17, Symphonies 103 and 104 stand as perfect examples of early symphonic construction. 18, Hardly anyone noted her arrival in the corps de ballet until she suddenly appeared in the lead role of Symphonic Variations. 19, Maybe your interest endured through high school or inspired a college credit for symphonic chorus. 20, It is coupled with Gade's third symphony, a work combining originality with clear debt to Mendelsshon's symphonic style. 21, No one has captured the moods of the sea better than Claude Debussy in his symphonic sketches, La Mer. 22, Topic unity forms the structural property of the symphony. Moreover, the combination of singing and instrument playing gains symphonic expressive effect. 23, Section III, a more detailed analysis of the major works of symphonic poem the theme of motivation and use. 24, And their offer of "Der Ring des Nibelungen, " will furthermore meet the tastes of the customers who always pursue high-quality symphonic music. 25, As representative one of musical works of Mao Zedong's poems, Zhu Jian'er's symphonic chorus Heroic Poetry was born under a specifically history context. 26, There can be a luxury in our bodily movements, as in the movement of a symphonic poem. 27, Why did father push me in front of Mona Lisa, and make me listen to symphonic music? 28, Smetana, the representative of Czech Nationalistic Music, his works of symphonic poem make him one of the most significant composers in program music cross the world and history. 29, Chapter III: Analysis of the Creation of the national spirit Sibelius symphonic poem, as well as the impact of creative techniques. 30, In them we read of a Page in the Chinese path symphonic music in China has trodden. In them we see the future of professional music composition in China as well.