快好知 kuaihz

1. The more complete descriptive term is drug elimination half-life. 2. It may also prolong the half-life of some concomitantly administered drugs. 3. In one study, the half-life of caffeine in premature infants ranged from 41 to 231 hours. 4. No one has a long half-life as the star of the program. 5. The biggest culprit is caesium-137, which has a half-life of 30 years. 6. Since tritium has a half-life of only a few years, it can not be stored for long periods of time. 7. The half-life of a radioactive substance is the time interval taken for the radiant species present to lose half its radioactivity. 8. But it has a half-life of just 140 days so there can be little delay manufacture and its incorporation into a bomb. 9. Uranium-238 decays more quickly, with a half-life of 4.5 billion years, and can therefore date the star more precisely. 10. With a half-life of 12 years, tritium could build up in the Tamar estuary and eventually enter the human food chain. 11. Business opportunities have a half-life, just like uranium. 12. Light failure small (its brightness half-life) 2000 hours ageing test light failure is less than 2%. 13. A half-life is the time it takes half the atoms of a radioactive substance to disintegrate. 14. But the half-life of market domination seems to be dwindling. 15. However, because of their extensive use and long half-life, human exposure remains widespread. 16. Iodine-131 has a half-life of about eight days, meaning levels should fade quickly. 17. As with radioactivity, stories have a half-life—in other words a period by which half of newly promoted stories are relegated to a nether page. 18. As isotope geochronology uses the elements of long half-life to determine the geological age, the half-life through out the period may be considered to be constant. 19. It did what my own laptop couldn't do-played state-of-the-art games such as Half-Life and Unreal Tournament satisfactorily. 20. The time taken for half of the atoms of a radioactive isotope to decay is called its half-life. 21. The monoclonal antibody that we used is as sensitive to halofantrine as to its main metabolite, whose half-life exceeds 3 days. 22. The third isotope of hydrogen, hydrogen-3 or tritium, is highly radioactive and has a very short half-life. 23. Hence attention soon shifted to caesium-134 and-137, the latter with a half-life of 30 years. 24. These effects are less marked with fentanyl because of its shorter serum half-life. 25. The time it takes for a dose of a drug to wear off is measured by a value called a half-life. 26. The daily intake should be divided into at least three doses because of the short half-life. 27. The city's challenge, chiefly, is to dispose of cesium-137, a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 30 years. 28. A radioactive transuranic element in the actinide series, artificially produced in trace amounts. Its longest-lived isotope is No255 with a half-life of3 minutes. Atomic number102. 29. Conclusion: Site-directed PEG modification can enhance the abortifacient activity of TCS, probably due to that prolonged half-life in vivo increases the acting time of the drug. 30. The contrast agent has low toxicity, good biocompatibility, large time window and high saturation magnetization, and the half-life period of the contrast agent in the blood reaches 30 to 60 minutes.