快好知 kuaihz

1) It discharges the tortfeasor to whom it is given from all liability for contribution to any other tortfeasor. 2) A joint tortfeasor is not entitled to a money judgment for contribution until he has by payment discharged the common liability or has paid more than his prorata share thereof. 3) No tortfeasor is compelled to make contribution beyond his own prorata share of the entire liability. 4) Article 4 Where a tortfeasor shall assume administrative liability or criminal liability for the same conduct, it shall not prejudice the tort liability that the tortfeasor shall legally assume. 5) As a rule, victim plaintiff and tortfeasor doubted defendant, but confirming not tort suit changes the roles of two parties. 6) Accordingly, the tortfeasor should take the responsibility to pay spirit compensation to the victim. 7) The ultimate form of common liability is that every tortfeasor bears shared liability for the damage. 8) The principle of liability without fault refers to the assumption of liability with no regard to the culpability of the tortfeasor. 9) Article 3 The victim of a tort shall be entitled to require the tortfeasor to assume the tort liability. 10) Article 4 Imposing administrative liability or criminal liability on a tortfeasor for an act will not affect the imposition of tort liability for the same. 11) The recovery of a judgment by the injured person against one joint tortfeasor does not discharge the other joint tortfeasors. 12) If there is no wrongdoing,[http:///tortfeasor.html] adequate compensation shall be to the victim by the tortfeasor according to the tortfeasor's economic status. 13) Article 26 Where a party wronged partly contributes to the wrong, the liability on the tortfeasor(s) may be mitigated. 14) But China does not admit "action in rem", so "ship" itself cannot be held liable as the tortfeasor for the tortuous act arising from a collision. 15) The vicarious liability means that the person is liable to the reparation for injury caused by the tortfeasor holding the special relationship to him. 16) A person who commits a tort is called a tortfeasor. 17) Due to environmental tort possessing indirect, latent, consecutive and concomitant features, it is extremely difficult for the court to identify the civil liability of the tortfeasor. 18) The Tort Law, taking the compensation for damages as the centre with multiple functions, is supposed to impose balanced protection on the victim and the tortfeasor causing an injury.