快好知 kuaihz

1. The club has a cosmopolitan atmosphere. 2. London has always been a cosmopolitan city. 3. Jamaica is a very cosmopolitan island. 4. Brigitta has such a cosmopolitan outlook on life. 5. New York is a highly cosmopolitan city. 6. The family are rich, and extremely sophisticated and cosmopolitan. 7. He had a cosmopolitan, slightly raffish air. 8. She 's a real cosmopolitan. 9. They lend the place a certain cosmopolitan tone. 10. Hassan is a French-speaking cosmopolitan. 11. Cosmopolitan chief Marcelle d'Argy Smith stormed out of the historic Oxford Union debating chamber after sitting through 90 minutes of bawdy horseplay. 12. Istanbul is a great cosmopolitan city, situated between East and West. 13. In the West armies were cosmopolitan and religious animosities relatively insignificant. 14. The cosmopolitan city of Cagliari is only 25 miles away. 15. Acapulco is a cosmopolitan city with a nightlife that puts Rio to shame. 16. With its vintage cable cars and cosmopolitan restaurants, the city is brimming with urbane sophistication. 17. Alexander, who speaks six languages, had a very cosmopolitan upbringing. 18. Barcelona feels a lot more cosmopolitan than other Spanish cities. 19. She laid down her Cosmopolitan magazine, open at fashions, loose flowing shirts in jewel colours. 20. Also cosmopolitan in outlook are a variety of traditional professions, particularly university lecturers. 21. Since then, the community has become more cosmopolitan, and it has attracted many locals. 22. She grew up in an apartment in a cosmopolitan district of Chicago. 23. The latter, which evidently find themselves at home almost everywhere, are appropriately called cosmopolitan species. 24. This year, Artweek celebrates its tenth anniversary, and events have a distinctly cosmopolitan flavour. 25. They date and marry stars, dress in designer clothes, and are phenomenally rich and cosmopolitan. 26. And next Wednesday sees probably the biggest and most cosmopolitan trade wine show ever staged in the province. 27. Would they make love all day at some hot, steamy house somewhere in this glittering cosmopolitan city? 28. Palma, the capital of Majorca and of all the Balearic islands is a bustling and cosmopolitan city. 29. A gentle prod not to be scared was about all that Cosmopolitan could handle. 30. It was the inspired creation of a company of gifted architects, canny financiers, and cosmopolitan religious leaders.