over again造句121. So how dare anyone criticise a true champion who has proved herself over and over again.
122. Why do you have to witness scenes like this over and over again?
123. We might even be able to buy back Mulberry Cottage and start all over again, living happily ever after.
124. Legos become interesting all over again if they are moved to a sunny table in the dining room.
125. Over and over again, the studies showed huge failure rates.
126. Professional assassins are going to stab somebody over and over again and leave all this evidence besides?
127. If the appeals courts reverse the case, the whole procedure begins all over again.
128. It was Lillie Langtry all over again, the old ones said wisely.
129. Those men have to stand that over and over again. I never knew it was like that.
130. I ran my jobs over and over again, trying to get them right.
131. Starting the time-consuming process of interviewing childminders all over again was a daunting prospect.
132. Terri, in the twilight world of the zombie, was writing the three words over and over again.
133. Yet certain films he would watch over and over again and never tire of them.
134. At the police station they asked me the same questions all over again.
135. In the right ones its understated virtues burst into bloom all over again.
136. We hear one story being told over and over again, in many different ways, and with many different outcomes.
137. Be either late or absent and the thirty-day clock begins all over again.
138. Consequently the chants seldom seem banal or trivial, in spite of being repeated over and over again.
139. She could quite see Aunt Tossie unpicking the oldest and least favoured work and starting the canvas over again.
140. Nancy began to worry at the problem all over again.
141. It's sad, but Grandpa just repeats himself a million times, and asks you the same questions over again.
142. The boy appeared skeptical, but then began to chant the aleph-bet, over and over again.
143. And I have got to say, I have watched that video of her on the stage over and over again.
144. Almost as if, having proclaimed himself paralytic in court, he was setting about proving it over and over again.
145. But does not this suggest that we have only to learn the same lesson over again?
146. I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.Michael Jordan
147. But his mind had clouded over again at the wrong moment and now it was too late.
147. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
148. This brings us back to the recovery phase and the whole process starts over again.
149. Way to go, Kim! Now we'll have to start all over again.
150. There are still times, even after Jasper, when I have to catch on all over again.