快好知 kuaihz

elaborate on造句
(1) Please elaborate on your proposals a little. (2) McDonald refused to elaborate on his reasons for resigning. (3) A spokesman declined to elaborate on a statement released late yesterday. (4) They refused to elaborate on the reasons for their decision. (5) He said he was resigning but did not elaborate on his reasons. (6) Mr Chandler declined to elaborate on the departures. (7) Let us elaborate on these points. (8) I shall return to, and elaborate on, these points. (9) Lally refused to elaborate on her earlier statement. (10) He then proceeded to elaborate on that point. (11) Unfortunately, Rose did not elaborate on the nature of such mixed schooling experiences. (12) You can elaborate on this sampler idea by putting the words inside another design. (13) Superiors were more than willing to elaborate on what they meant by leadership. (14) The statement did not elaborate on where such charges had originated. (15) It would be unwise to elaborate on the last point. (16) Let me elaborate on those points. (17) Would you care to elaborate on your proposals? (18) Could you elaborate on that? So, I can check. (19) The minister did not elaborate on his plan. (20) Q : Can you elaborate on that? (21) He refused to elaborate on the event. (22) Could you elaborate on that? (23) Please elaborate on paragraph 14 of your written submission. (24) She was asked to elaborate on her feelings. (25) Sir Leon went on to elaborate on the economic situation. (26) Please elaborate on that. (27) The chairman just wanted the facts; You don't need to elaborate on them. (28) The minister said he was resigning, but refused to elaborate on his reasons for doing so. (29) The theory is too difficult to understand, can you elaborate on it? (30) The abstract, closed, single-track research pattern in traditional aesthetics has failed to elaborate on the multi-form existence of art in consumer culture.