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in writing造句
151. The ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, is also important. 152. All of the tenants have been notified in writing that interested parties may wish to carry out internal inspections. 153. It is helpful to define these areas in writing so that you both know where you are. 154. Please confirm in writing the date you intend to leave. 155. Twenty-one days' notice of any proposed alterations, amendments or additions shall be given to the Secretary in writing. 156. Cases of corporal punishment shall be reported by each teacher on the dates of their occurrence in writing.. 157. Tammy seems to have meant the ability to express more complex thoughts in writing. 158. Suddenly, in writing the words out, I see what she is trying to get us to see. 159. Such workers must be able to communicate orally and in writing, work in groups, and monitor their own performance. 160. A nation of music lovers mourns ... Despite his lack of musical ability, Gedge became interested in writing songs. 161. Complaints Members of third parties may make complaints in writing to the director. 162. Yet much of the research of the last fifteen years in writing has challenged this view. 163. Please pardon my presumption in writing to you. 164. Program that helps in writing hypertext or multimedia applications. 165. He was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation. 166. Investment Guidelines from time to time as it deems necessary and shall notify Party B of any revision to the Investment Guidelines in writing. 167. As complaints must be made in writing, Ombudsman receives an average of 1,200 letters a year. 168. The directors, supervisors and senior managers of the issuer shall confirm in writing the listing announcement so as to ensure the genuineness, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed. 169. If there is any need to extend the 10 workday deadline, the designee must notify the employee in writing of the reason for the delay and the date the employee will receive the written decision. 170. They also turn our dreams into reality because they are specific, in writing, have a deadline, and include a clear step-by-step plan. 171. Everyone in the family is happy with the payment arrangement. Nothing was put in writing. But elder law attorneys say families should draw up a formal personal care contract. 172. However, in each case the justification for the deletion shall be explained fully in writing. 173. It is possible to nest dollar-quoted string constants by choosing different tags at each nesting level. This is most commonly used in writing function definitions. For example. 174. He shall forthwith notify the Purchaser In Writing of the suspension. 175. If the Buyer shall for any reason terminate this Contract in whole or in part, the notice of termination must be given in writing to the Seller. 176. A decision not to indict should immediately be reported to the court in writing by the foreperson so that the accused may promptly be released from jail or freed on bail. 177. No candidate shall circularise or canvass in writing other Members in respect of any such election. 178. In writing an essay one must do a lot of pruning. 179. And his Impersonally Appraising and poetic reflection in writing strategy narrated those killing events without turning a hair. This relates with his experience, thanatopsis and aesthetic pursuing. 180. My mom always used to caution me to never put in writing something I didn't want the world to see.