pic造句61. A 3 dimension particle in cell(PIC) code is used to simulate The virtual cathode oscillation(VCO)withe beam modulated by self feedback micro.
62. It can be retargetted for other microprocessors, support for PIC, AVR and 186 is under development.
63. In each case, the drop zone will only accept objects with class "pic."
64. No doubt she is top heavy. I like her outfit in the first pic.
65. Particle ? in? cell ( PIC ) approach was introduced into the sea ice numerical simulation of Bohai Sea.
66. After entering thethe first time please send the photograph ( pic ) to verify to the staff auditor.
67. Besides, in PIC,[www.] the embedded active light source is necessary to provide local optical control or trigger signal in specific functional block.
68. Among the specialized software institutes, Korea Computer Center(KCC), Pyongyang Information Center(PIC), Kim II Sung University Information Center(KIUIC) are important ones.
69. Introduce the intelligent reactive compensating controller based on PIC single computer, It has lower cost, flexible arrange, higher reliability and performance.
70. Both options cause the compiler to generate position-independent code (PIC) for use in shared, re-entrant libraries.
71. Pic.22 Indian children work nearby to their parents at a construction project in front of the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium on January 30, 2010 in New Delhi, India.
72. The PIC MCU series are applied widely nowadays and has strong function.
73. Using a two-dimension fully electromagnetic Particle-in-Cell (PIC) simulation, the relativistic magnetically insulated transmission line oscillator (MILO) designed by Phillips laboratory is studied.
74. A soft starting controller of the asynchronous mot or based upon PIC microprocessor is proposed and the operational principle of the controller, functional block diagram and flow chart are given.
75. On the Skywalk (which was built by a Shanghainese man). I took one crazy pic that looks like I'm flying over the barrier!
76. Two models used in computing gas discharge - PIC model and fluid model are compared.
77. Other host was PIC 16 C 74 signalchip that collected signal of temperature, humidity and gaseous senor signal.