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push aside造句
1. He pushed aside the feelings of fear. 2. Primakov was pushed aside but later became head of Intelligence. 3. She pushed aside her anger, forcing herself to focus on her work. 4. The inexperienced young promising men were pushed aside in the scramble for places. 5. He pushed aside the litter of books and papers and laid two places at the table. 6. Children are not fashion accessories that can be pushed aside. 7. Paperbacks in general had pushed aside the hardback, except for the specialized and coffee table markets. 8. Sadly these have now disappeared, pushed aside by the needs of the motor car. 9. And as he pushed aside some papers to make room for his briefcase he did indeed exude a powerful air of authority. 10. But with the piles of snow that are pushed aside, the streets are only 60 % passable. 11. Another case of hard-hearted capitalists pushing aside the less fortunate to enhance their investments? 12. Jim Feng pushes aside a bottle of soy sauce and slides a black-and-white photograph across the table. 13. He pushed aside a woman kneeling on the stony ground. 14. He then pushed aside all notes and summed up the case from beginning to end. 15. For the first time in days Hilary felt at peace, the hurt and pain pushed aside for a while. 16. He pushed aside the civilian Junta using it only to give decent sanction to new promotions. 17. Maremont pushed aside his business and civic work and spent most of the early summer barnstorming through Illinois. 18. The incriminating fears of the effects of a faculty and student affair were all pushed aside. 18. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 19. He pushed aside the money, papers, and ashtray and set the typewriter in front of Sam. 20. Megaliths were smashed to make gate-posts or road-stone, blown up or pushed aside to clear space for the plough. 21. He had the ability to push aside all difficulties. 22. To gently push aside and silence the many voices that question my goodness and to trust that I will hear the voice of blessing-- that demands real effort. " — Henri J. M. 23. Push aside our fear about security and PLM on the cloud. I was reading Washington Post's "Video Viewing on Netflix Accounts for Up to 30 Percent of Online Traffic". 24. Move the square box and push aside the divider. Wow! 25. Appearance is like a peacock inviting, push aside filled with the aroma, aftertaste deg. 26. IR.N) posted better-than-expected results and raised full-year earnings views, further allowing investors to push aside fears of a return to negative growth. 27. In this context it becomes easy for INGOs to push aside local NGOs, ignoring the fragile development of local civil society and thereby damaging it. 28. When you have fewer things there is automatically less to clean, less to push aside and tidy when you're having company and less to keep track of. 29. Much time was wasted in trying to make piston-engined planes operate at higher altitudes where the air seemed thin and easier to push aside. 30. Some day in the not-too-distant future the rise of China's middle class and its growing hunger for cars will push aside the U.S. auto market and grab that top spot.