interceptor造句 31. The passive ranging with line-of-sight angle or line-of-sight rate measurement for exo-atmospheric interceptor was studied. 32. Last year, India showed the world how Prithvi anti - ballistic missile interceptor achieved all the mission objectives. 33. The first interceptor they announce is a mid course one. 34. According to Pravda, China performed a successful launch of an ABM interceptor missile.英文造句spinedconversation pieceendorsablefibronectinsequestrumsclerosingdepartment of energymoney costdeconvolutionvirus infectioncolor tvpaul robesonzwinglisnow flurrycaledoniapyriformart departmentblackbeardwritten lawdial-upprunusmagnetostrictivemagnetostrictionrisk of breakagefling atartificial personsketcherrace horseforget oneself