conjugation造句1. Like E. coli it undergoes transduction, transformation and conjugation.
2. Hepatocellular metabolism, including conjugation, is reduced in hypothermia.
3. It certainly demonstrates the power of conjugation and provides a definite guide for further puzzles of this type.
4. It was the conjugation of verbs that he found most difficult; he expressed everything in infinitives.
5. Once simple processes are found, investigate whether conjugation will allow the processes to be moved to other pieces 5.
6. It's a Latin verb of the second conjugation.
7. The union of gametes to a zygote; conjugation.
8. In charge of recombinant protein conjugation and purification.
9. a verb with an irregular conjugation.
10. Then, antigen was prepared by conjugation of hapten with carrier protein by carbodiimide(EDPC) method and was identified by UV spectroscopy and SDS-PAGE.
11. Phase Conjugation in a new configuration for generating four - wave by double object beams is reported.
12. P hage induction following conjugation of a lysogenic bacterium with a nonlysogenic one.
13. Nonlinear optical phase conjugation technology can be used in adaptive optics and optical information processing.
14. Based on the study of self pumped phase conjugation (SPPC) and mutually pumped phase conjugation (MPPC) coexistence, a new photorefractive adaptive optical heterodyne detection system is proposed.
15. It has been proved that the conjugation in singular point must be formed on conditions that crossing angle and generating surface are arbitrary.
16. The concept of maximal constant matrix of conjugation is also given, and it is proved that the maximal constant matrix of conjugation is an orthogonal matrix of order two.
17. For conjugation, immunoglobulin is directly adsorbed on the particle surfaces, mediated mainly by London–van der Waals force and hydrophobic interaction.
18. The optimal conjugation ratios of immunogen and coating antigen were 13 and 10.
19. Transconjugant: a bacterium with new genetic information resulting from conjugation.
20. Toxic electrophilic compounds produced by both cytochromes P450 and microsomal epoxide hydrolases can be eliminated from the body by conjugation with glutathione.
21. The microsomal fraction of the Parenchymal cell is responsible for the conjugation of bilirubin.
22. The regulatory step affected by phosphorylation could involve either recognition of the substrate by an E3 ubiquitin ligase or the actual conjugation reaction.
23. Through design and calculation, determined soft and rigid gear conjugation coefficient, obtained teeth side clearance when soft and rigid gear mesh transmission.
24. The degree of conversion of the intermediate polyelectrolyte to PPV could be controlled and the conductivities of these doped films could be related to the average conjugation length.
25. Conventional genetic analyses of myxobacteria were inefficient and time consuming such as transduction, electro transformation and conjugation.
26. The amino-group in the teraamino-phthalocyanine Cu(II), which synthesized from 3-nitro-phthalic anhydride, has the conversion trend from thermodynamic spin state to thermodynamic conjugation state.
27. The optimal conditions were obtained by orthogenesis test, which provided a conjugation yields above 90%.
28. The results indicate that the kind and position of the substituents in aniline ring greatly affected the conjugation system and coplanarity of the products.
29. Aromatic cytokinins metabolism is classified under four broad headings : interconversion, hydroxylation, conjugation and oxidation.
30. We are also studying how the linear chromosomes and plasmids are transferred during conjugation.