快好知 kuaihz

31. By adjusting the statistics, natural bulges are evened out, allowing for short-term shifts to be inferred more accurately. 32. The trick comes in adjusting the weights on hidden layers. 33. Adjusting for quality improvements or consumer substitutions when prices rise is no doubt technically challenging. 34. Action adjustment on the ebony bridge is via two ribbed height adjusting wheels. 35. Creatures like quail and the white-tailed deer, adjusting to man, have already shown recovery. 36. Several practice laps are necessary to determine what needs adjusting and what parts must be replaced. 37. Mrs Bloggs plays a passive role, adjusting to the situation. 38. All the controls are easy to use, although adjusting the wing mirrors took a bit of working out. 39. In this respect, Figure 2 lists the variety of management practices that may need adjusting. 40. Individual mode allows for separate control of each effect, switching them on or off or adjusting their levels. 41. The tension disc at the top of the yarn mast will need adjusting for the thread. 42. To serve hot, return to the pan and bring to the boil again, adjusting the seasoning as necessary. 43. Individuals acclimatize to cold, for example, by adjusting physically, physiologically or psychologically following cold exposure. 44. This can be dealt with by revaluing the asset annually using special indices of cost of capital and adjusting depreciation provisions accordingly. 45. Thin silk cords and silver chains hung down from the nets, which Apanage adjusting by pulling and tweaking them. 46. The panel further suggested adjusting the official poverty line for geographical differences in the cost of housing. 47. She spread out her towel and lay flat, adjusting her sunglasses against the glare above. 48. Adjusting the tiller slightly, Kathy nudged the boat up against the ruler in her head. 49. In many organizations budgets are set by adjusting the budget for the previous year, adding a bit for inflation, and so on. 50. Adjusting your body clock Sometimes we want to change the timing of our life-style. 51. He'd been adjusting the driving mirror and he'd only taken his eyes off the road for a moment. 52. Perhaps the best way to describe an adjusting entry is by means of an example. 53. We compared the risks between treatments with the Cox proportional hazards model. adjusting for age and smoking. 54. I would see no difficulty in adjusting the contract before exchange in that way. 55. I shall be looking here at the effect of adjusting their published accounts between 1972 and 1991 to allow for inflation. 56. A failure to relight suggests a blocked jet, which needs cleaning and adjusting, or a failed thermocouple which needs replacing. 57. Years later, I am constantly adjusting my feelings downward to achieve that fine balance of caution and melancholy. 30. 58. Catching sight of the two arriving, the old fellow, adjusting his robe, came toddling forward to show them around. 59. Given its vast capacity, it could manipulate the world price by adjusting output. 60. The Party experienced considerable problems in adjusting its policy to one of delaying retirement.