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121. The delegates still sought a decentralized government but one with more central coordination than granted under the Articles of Confederation. 122. Decentralized management , shared responsibility and an innovative management policy characterize the groups approach. 123. Making a detailed analysis, we show that compared to the traditional decentralized system, quantity coordination policy can improve the performance of the supply chian considerably. 124. It is better suited for Internet which is a kind of decentralized network with large scale and complex structure. 125. Interest in distributed storage system is fueled for its decentralized control, adaptation and self - organization. 126. Based on its own structure information, a new robust overlapping decentralized control method is presented. 127. Coca-Cola, which has a decentralized system, declined to comment on the deal or Nooyi's assertion. Last month, Coke CEO Muhtar Kent reiterated his commitment to its model. 128. The effectiveness of the Internet as a public resource depends upon interoperability (protocols, data formats, content), innovation and decentralized participation worldwide. 129. And on this basis, the usage of all recipes in the decentralized system of the rare earth luminous coating is studied. 130. It is proposed that the decentralized system for wastewater treatment and reuse is the promising fields for MBR and the control of membrane fouling is still the key point for MBR technology research. 131. He wasn't likely to warm to the idea that the same functions could be delivered cheaper and faster through a decentralized network that he couldn't control. 132. In addition, to a certain extent, supplementary study also found that in the agricultural listed companies operating risks can be decentralized by diversification. 133. In this paper, a new concept of output controllability for decentralized control systems is presented. 134. This decentralized economic system relied on the legal immobility of the serf. 135. An observer based on fuzzy decentralized control method for a class of nonlinear interconnected - delay is proposed. 136. The principle of "unified leadership and decentralized management " has proved to be the correct one for organizing all economic activities in our Liberated Areas in the present circumstances. 137. The problem of robust decentralized output feedback control of uncertain similar composite system is discussed. 138. GAHC is a simple and feasible decentralized control method for improving stability of synchro - generator. 139. But Amsterdam reflects this kind of primacy of the global economy, because it's such an important trading power, but also this federalist decentralized aspect that I've tried to describe. 140. The problem of robust overlapping decentralized control for a class of multi-area power system with loop structure was discussed. 141. Moreover, competition weakens the effect of risk aversion on coordination of the decentralized system, hence, the supply chain can achieve coordination with a simple wholesale price contract. 142. Integrating the decentralized control and embeddability idea, a beer saccharification control system is designed. 143. Decentralized stabilization controller of region for the systems is designed. 144. Article 4 The tourism administration department shall, in its administration of tourist agencies, adopt the policy of unified leadership, graded administration, and decentralized operations. 145. The application of decentralized system to flour production was introduced in hardware and software aspects. 146. In this paper, we study the deterministic decentralized optimal control of frequency and tie line power for multiarea power systems. 147. The Federal Open Market Committee makes monetary policy so it's decentralized and long terms. 148. How to solve the land the size of the family business and decentralized system of land-use conflicts in rural reform and development of major issues to be settled urgently. 149. For instance, in Ethiopia, the World Bank supports decentralized approaches in towns and rural communities and finances infrastructure through lending operations. 150. Under decentralized contracting, each project raises funds separately on the external capital market.