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91. Did you know in Burma you get seven years in prison for telling jokes? 92. The six point statement said KIA was fighting for restoration of a real federal system with political means by ending the regime in Burma, said KIA. 93. The conquering Japanese armies had halted at the great mountain ranges that separate Burma from India. 94. Based on the investigation, inclusions in jadeite from Burma are divided into four types. 95. Sapphires are found in India, Burma, Ceylon, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, Brazil and Africa. 95.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 96. A young worshipper navigates the labyrinthine corridors of a Buddhist temple at Bagan, Burma. 97. After their advance through Burma, the Japanese at India's eastern gate. 98. The South China Sea has already been declared a "core national interest," and deep-water ports are projected in Pakistan, Burma and Sri Lanka. 99. IN MOULMEIN, IN LOWER BURMA, I was hated by large numbers of people--the only time in my life that I have been important enough for this to happen to me. 100. Chiang deployed nine Chinese divisions from Yunnan Province, including several of his top units, equipped with the first lend-lease supplies, to defend Burma. 101. Laos lies between China, Burma , Thailand , Cambodia, and Viet Nam. 102. That has been particularly true when it comes to Burma. 103. Nesser says she never planned to open a school stateless children from Burma. 104. She said a North Korea - Burma military connection destabilizing to the region. 105. Fatty acids was determined from neem oil ( neem tree seed fat ) in Burma by GC - MS .