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61 Implicit the first cystic inflorescence, was born the axil, no pedicel. 62 Results: 8 cases had separate cystic hygroma, including 7 cases at neck (1 dead embryo) and 1 case under axillary. 2 cases had pure cyst (25%), and 6 cases had complication (75%). 63 Objective To study the feasibility of primary closure of laparoscopic choledochotomy combined with cystic duct tube. 64 Nests of transitional epithelium grow downward into the lamina propria and a central cystic space forms. 65 However, complex solid and cystic masses were proven to be metaplastic carcinomas, malignant phyllodes tumors, and mucinous carcinomas, which may represent malignant masses with cystic components. 66 Objective To investigate the clinical application of magnetic resonance hydrography(MRH) in diagnosing cystic echinococcosis(CE). 67 Top right: Double gallbladder with independent cystic duct entering the common bile duct. 68 Biliary cystadenoma and cystadenocarcinoma are rare biliary ductal neoplasms, usually intrahepatic in location, characterized pathologically by a multilocular cystic lesion. 69 For those thinking of starting a family, it could alert them to their risk of having a baby with cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs and other genetic disorders. 70 When I was 5 years it was asthma by age 12 it was Cystic Fibrosis. 71 There was no distinguished features between cystic degeneration of benign tumors and the liquefactive necrosis of malignancy. 72 Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is the second commonest malignant neoplasm in salivary glands. It has a known propensity for neural invasion, which will lead to frequent recurrences and metastasis. 73 Objective:Through comparing the ultrasonic appearance and pregnant outcome of cystic hygroma of 86 foetus to analyze the antenatal diagnosis and prognosis. 74 Figure 1: CT scan demonstrates a right-sided parietal lobe intraaxial cystic structure with a central "dot" representing a scolex (arrow). 75 Objective To investigate the expressions of tumor inhibitor agene TIP 30 protein in Salivary Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma ( SACC ). 76 Methods: Drainage in bursal lumen was applied to 31 patients with jaw cystic lesions and the patients were given careful nursing and instruction. 77 Methods: To summarize retrospectively the clinical data of 3 cases with adenoid cystic carcinoma auditory canal. 78 MRI shows a cystic mass located in the vermis of the cerebellum that has a solid component on the right. 79 Findings: Head CT: Predominantly cystic lesion in the cerebellum involving deep cerebellar hemisphere and extending to the vermis. 80 Objective: To study the early diagnosis of cystic neurinoma at the craniocervical junction and surgical treatment. 80try its best to collect and build good sentences. 81 MRI shows a large cystic mass in the left cerebellar hemisphere with a solid, irregular component superiorly which enhances inhomogeneously. 82 The genetic material of a cell from a cystic fibrosis patient, for example, can be transferred into an unfertilised egg cell with its own genetic material removed. 83 These disorders may include cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, and many others. 84 Computed tomography (CT) showed hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG) and a 7-cm thin-walled perigastric cystic mass containing mixed gas, fluid, and debris. 85 Results The characteristic features included losing the normal structure of the portal phase and obliteration and many abnormal enhanced collateral vein around portal vein (cystic vein). 86 The stromal elements of cystic nephroma show malignancy more often than epithelium. 87 Pathologic study revealed a cystic nephroma with foci of primitive, mesenchymal, undifferentiated, embryonal type sarcoma. 88 The ureterocele was easily detected by ultrasound and usually revealed as a cystic mass in the bladder. 89 Methods Incommodious bile duct was restored by making gallbladder one (lamella) with cystic artery into half- cannular or cannular gallbladder one (lamella). 90 Conclusion The rate of malignant ovarian tumors in post - menopausal women is high, especially in patients with bilateral solid, cyst- solid mixed, and multilocular cystic tumors.