for months造句(121) After trailing for months in the opinion polls, Yeltsin this week pulled even with his Communist rival.
(122) Not only have they been booked solid for months for convention week, but their meeting rooms are jammed with lavish receptions.
(123) Martin came back from Africa with malaria, and he was in a pretty bad way for months.
(124) This is an ideal set of programs to introduce your children to computers and will keep them amused for months.
(125) For months the town was full of cameras, lighting and members of the film crew.
(126) For months on end she suffered frequent nosebleeds and nearly passed out on several occasions.
(127) He's been going to Spanish lessons for months and he still can't speak a word of it.
(128) Now, an expected appeal of the jury verdict could drag on for months.
(129) If continued for months and years, such exposure will result in soiling of the wood surface and gradual loss of fibre.
(130) Meanwhile, visiting relatives from Detroit or Rio will leave enough money to keep a poor family in food for months.
(131) For seasons at a time he went without a roof or bed and for months had no shirt on his back.
(132) When it was hung on racks, the plains wind and sun dried it, and then it would last for months.
(133) He had been a mining engineer and away for months at a time.
(134) Reports of the disaster, albeit strictly censored ones, were shown to the Soviet public for months afterwards.
(135) Stock and bond investors have been wary for months that the economy would overheat and prompt the Fed to tighten.
(136) The town gossips had been spreading rumours about Bruce for months.
(137) As we now know, the border areas were attacked by B-52s for months during 1969.
(138) So we find him circling for months around the insoluble problem of Kee, exulting and then despairing, then exulting again.
(139) Temperatures have been near-10 to-200F for months now every night, and the deep snow has obliterated even the banks.
(140) Some had paid in advance for months or years of service.
(141) "For months, the Democrats have run television commercials filled with misinformation about the Republican Party," said Dawson.
(142) The murder trial had engrossed the small northern Ohio city for months.
(143) The new machines may sit idle for months until they have been paid for.
(144) The court case was an awful affair that dragged on for months.
(145) London had been grit grey for months, and Jay fought the sunless skies with the blade of keen memory.
(146) The Visa and Kodak spots have been on the national airwaves for months.
(147) Though one would think not a morsel had passed her lips for months.
(148) That despite a troublesome physical problem: a wrist fracture incurred on his last tour that went unnoticed for months.
(149) Both had been out for months after under-going operations designed to cure long-standing problems.
(150) She'd given more time to thinking about Lucy than anything else for months.