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31. The guiding principle of the Okapi research is that the system must adapt itself to the user rather than the converse. 32. Sammler was a huge help, guiding me through the dangers of the city streets. 33. Almost all Davidson products work on the guiding principle that education comes easier if disguised as a game. 34. So too is disciplined listening, and those guiding others should learn some of the skills of pastoral counselling. 35. Once again, I must stress that I do not see a great male conspiracy behind this, nor invisible hands guiding it. 36. The boy moved quickly, just ahead of Allen, guiding him more than walking with him, in complete silence. 37. A sense of displacement forced her to respond to the pressure of his hand on her back guiding her. 38. Like Kant's Ideas they have a regulative function, guiding our actions and our cognitive efforts in a certain direction. 39. The guiding principle is that our minds are more active when we view with a purpose. 40. We must set some guiding principles for the way in which we run our business, worldwide. 41. The three crew members of Guiding Lights were then arrested and ordered to put into Plymouth. 42. His presidency lacked an over-arching theme or a guiding principle. 43. He has been a guiding beacon in my professional life and a touchstone of human integrity. 44. Its activities were only kept going by fifty enthusiasts living in London and the obsessional fanaticism of Leese, its guiding spirit. 45. No drugs were found on Guiding Lights but two extremely clever concealments were uncovered. 46. Dennis soothed him, guiding him into the living room and showing him my stash of porno magazines. 47. To followers, he is more than just a guiding light - he is the Messiah. 48. But they all ride upon guiding waves, which determine their destiny. 49. That will be the guiding light of the next Labour government. 50. Norman Lear had a guiding vision, a belief in himself, a belief that he could make a difference. 51. The guiding assumption was that the school curriculum should differ according to the ability of the child who would follow it. 52. After a brief stay in the frontier capital, Smith was back on the Santa Fe Trail, guiding pioneers westward. 53. Mediating the differences between these groups and guiding them towards mutually agreed goals is the overriding notion of the national interest. 54. John slipped his arm around Ixora's narrow waist, guiding her ahead of him. 55. He saw himself proudly standing in that wondrous car, his hands triumphantly guiding those steeds which Jove himself could not master. 56. But it is to suggest that an image of perennial conflict between science and religion is inappropriate as a guiding principle. 57. Controlled escalation, if required, and dominance over the threat, if necessary, were the guiding precepts. 58. Director Chris Wilken does a fine job guiding his cast of 12 through an intricate choreography that travels through time and space. 59. There's also an option to practise serving: a tricky task involving quickly guiding a small cross into the service box. 60. I think certain guiding principles can help and offer starting- points for reflective thinking.