快好知 kuaihz

1. Was there such a state as logical positivism? 2. There was all this talk of positivism. 3. Sociological positivism was one such method. 4. The main criticism of sociological positivism is founded on the vagueness of the central concepts of the theory. 5. Carry over the assumptions of philosophical positivism and the basic notions of revelation will become nonsense. 6. In normativist language the style of sociological positivism is that of constructivist rationalism. 7. Normative positivism asserts what legal positivists deny, namely that there is a necessary connection between law and positive morality. 8. Such a contrast between classicism and positivism seems rather generous to Beccaria. 9. Empiricism and positivism have been put to flight in anthropology, philosophy, aesthetics, economics. 10. His target of attack here is positivism, which we can understand as the identification of natural science with knowledge itself. 11. Furthermore, critical theory departs form positivism in understanding the facts of culture in terms of a social totality. 12. Certainly, positivism did also produce social determinist critiques of the existing order. 13. Rehabilitation is another manifestation of positivism which was under general attack at this time. 14. Zhuangzi's epistemology and positivism are combined with each other. 15. Benthamism jurisprudence and Positivism jurisprudence is representative. 16. So are the monistic doctrines of positivism and neopositivism. 17. As for the well-advised attitude to the positivism and objectivism which was reflected repeatedly by the contrast about two world, it was more sufficient and specific expression about Life-Word. 18. Thus, the positivity of legal positivism is different from the positivity of society and history that sociological school of law and historical school of law. 19. Indeed, they have been embarrassed by them, having so internalized the epistemological criteria of positivism, empiricism and pragmatism. 20. These characteristic ideas of functionalism are found running throughout the theories of sociological positivism, evolutionary social theories, and pragmatism. 21. Broadly, these tensions result from two diametrically opposed approaches to social research - positivism and naturalism. 22. But of course natural law is false judged by positivist assumptions just as positivism is false judged by natural law assumptions. 23. Some of these differences were rooted in the extent to which the writers embraced positivism or Idealism. 24. This covers both his penchant for fusion, and his dippy mystic positivism and cosmology of love. 25. His ideas on sovereignty and social organization seem to have been influenced by sociological positivism and by Duguit in particular. 26. Realism directed its challenge to the attempt to construct an autonomous science of law which was rooted in legal positivism. 27. It has inspired writers and musicians as well as being a significant influence on logical positivism. 28. In many important respects, therefore , Durkheim remained a faithful disciple of Comte's positivism. 29. They alone are scientific, while the traditional methods of the sciences of human action are metaphysical, that is, in the terminology of positivism, superstitious and spurious. 30. In discussions of Hayek's succession to Mach, the points stimulating to the Hayekian students consist mainly in four aspects: connectionism, reductionism, positivism and ontology.