快好知 kuaihz

1. So is development: first in the oviduct and then in the uterus. 2. Manipulate the oviducts in a plastic Petri dish or glass cavity block on the heated stage of a binocular directing microscope. 3. Once the oviduct is blocked, it is difficult to treat by surgery or other means. 4. Hence the oocytes are flushed out of the oviducts from below-they are not sucked out from above. 5. Especially GRTS oviduct through liquid and artificial fertilization. 6. The epithelium of the oviduct is ciliated. 7. Objective:Sum up the various surgical operation skills of oviduct gestation which were cured by peritoneoscope. 8. The oviduct operation was a primary method that oviduct was connected again after sterilization operation. 9. Oviduct is located besides of unfix side of ovary that forms a hemicycle around ovary. 10. Results: Not only we could observe whether the oviduct was blocked , but also the imaging of the shape and activity of the oviduct fimbria and adhesion zone of pelvic were observed. 11. At present, the research of chicken oviduct bioreactor focus on the expression of exogenous gene regulated by the ovalbumin 5′-flanking regulatory region. 12. The ligation of oviduct rate was high, but the vasoligation rate was low. 12.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 13. After ovariotomy, the epithelia of the oviduct were atrophied and regressive. 14. Conclusion: HCV can infect the ovary and oviduct, presenting relationship vertical transmission of HCV. 15. Object To provide a method for identifying oviductus ranae among toads oviduct the former. 16. A third group act as temporary recipients, incubating the newly reconstructed embryos within their oviducts until they reach the blastocyst stage. 17. The female bot fly holds her eggs in her oviduct until they have hatched into maggots. 18. The oocytes are thus washed out of the top of the oviducts, where they are collected in a catheter. 19. The fertilised eggs are not then laid but remain inside the female's oviduct. 20. The extra-uterine pregnancy refers to the fertilized egg outside uterine cavity spot, like oviduct, palace angle, abdominal cavity, ovary and so on place bed growth. 21. The tubercular womb intimitis is because the bacillus tuberculosis infects causes, many following sends in the oviduct tuberculosis. 22. Gynecological inflammation, such as vaginalitis, cervical disease could infect fallopian tube, cause oviduct inflammatory. 23. Objective To observe the clinical effect of Shuguanling(Chinese medicine for dredging the oviduct) on salpingemphraxis sterility and to study its mechanism. 24. Objective:To discuss the clinical value and effectivity of self-made catheter system in treating sterilization caused by oviduct emphraxis. 25. Methods: Review and analyse the curative effect to 268 salpingitis infertile patient's competent open water skills of oviduct. 26. Histological and histochemical(periodic acid Schiff, PAS) methods were used to examine the histological structure of yak oviduct during pregnancy. 27. One of causes that phlogistic, endometritis and other woman disease cause vaginitis , oviduct do not have impressibility to love namely. 28. Xie answered, " I had a ligation of the oviduct. 29. In the same ovariole, yolk body's size showed smaller in the apex oocyte, and showed larger with a net shape in the terminal oocyte (closest to the oviduct). 30. Objective To study the alteration in the glycoprotein combined with BS-1 on the mucosal surface of the oviduct after chlamydial trachomatis (CT) infection.