proceed with造句61. It would be physically dangerous for Ann Coulter to proceed with this event.
62. Mr.Wilson, not a little astonished at this outbreak- for he was a grandfatherly sort of personage, and usually a vast favourite with children- essayed, however, to proceed with the examination.
63. In the presence of this sign, the physician should proceed with a more aggressive physical therapy program and further assess patella malalignment.
64. Eventually, both sides agreed to a technical definition of the dividing line between permissible programs and prohibited ones that allowed us to proceed with the TMD.
65. I think we can now proceed with the last stages unhampered.
66. The task you've taken on could be more difficult than expected. Proceed with caution. Haste makes waste, and all other similar mottos.
67. We will continue to improve the basic old-age pension system for enterprise employees and proceed with the expansion of trials to fully fund personal old-age pension accounts.
68. US prosecutors say they will still proceed with the case. So will the maid’s damage-seeking civil suit.
69. In these containers, bimolecular reactions between specially selected guests proceed with high regio - and stereoselectivity.
70. We will vigorously proceed with VAT reform and adjust the resource tax.
71. If you choose to proceed with this downgrader, use it at your own risk as bricking may occur.
72. Communication method is first from bagatelle proceed with, convey as far as possible clear and compendious.
73. The teacher can go to proceed with the design of the teaching projects according to four aspects: educative object, course content, one's own quality, social environment to further teaching quality.
74. Patella tracking and the Q angle are assessed first because these immediately affect both the decision to proceed with patellofemoral arthroplasty and the ultimate outcome.
75. He said the priorities are to bring Baghdad under control, disband illegal militias, bring death squad leaders to justice and proceed with the national reconciliation process.
76. If the building is repairable and the insured decides to proceed with its repair, the amount may be paid either in full or in installments based on the progress of the repair works.
77. You must proceed with all haste to my private refuge in the ruins of Fort Farragut, located in the forest northeast of the Cheydinhal Sanctuary.
78. If you choose to proceed with this downgrader at your own risk as bricking may occur.
79. The project plan contains the functional specification (combined plans of each team) and a schedule. The project plan approved milestone is permission from management to proceed with the deployment.
80. Patients who have experienced anaphylaxis to ELELYSO or another ERT should proceed with caution upon retreatment.
81. With great reluctance, we decided to proceed with an spplication for government loan guarantees.
81.try its best to collect and create good sentences.
82. After the files are deleted, restart the computer in Normal mode proceed with the next section.
83. Consumers in the selection of gypsum board wall to do the material, from the design, workmanship and finish three respects proceed with.
84. Referral commissions earned from members who have decided to proceed with the refund option will also be removed as well since the sale will technically no longer exist.
85. However, the arbitral tribunal may proceed with the arbitration and rule on such a plea in its final award.
86. Since the device did not beep, we will proceed with manual calibration.
87. We hereby accept your quotation Ref and please proceed with our application.
88. We must replace and modernize our forces, and that is why I have decided to proceed with the production and deployment of the new ICBM known as the MX.
89. In this work, we firstly take account of the structure of the glycolytic pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and then proceed with dynamical analysis.
90. Data backing-up has been successfully completed. The data bank is currently in a closed state. Please proceed with your operation.