in those days造句(121) In those days I don't think there was an average looking or homely looking person playing romantic leads.
(122) It took a lot of courage to cross the Rocky Mountains in those days.
(123) Mr Killow was one of the most original personalities about the church in those days.
(124) As in Prague, Warsaw and East Berlin in those days, people power has been manifest.
(125) She had a confusing family background, as many children did in those days.
(126) At Bremen; he wanted to be a naval architect in those days.
(127) It was rumoured she had been a barmaid, heady stuff in those days.
(128) The main occupation of the people of Kidderminster in those days was weaving, so there were few rich people amongst them.
(129) I wanted to be a newspaper man, but chances looked very bleak in those days for blacks to think about that.
(130) In those days Lawrence and I had very little idea indeed of what the cell cycle actually is.
(131) In those days we served hot meals to everyone on each flight.
(132) I was rather rambunctious in those days, pacing about the room, acting more like General Patton than General Schwarzkopf.
(133) For a girl to be put in the family-way in those days spelt catastrophe - nothing worse could be imagined then.
(134) In those days such interests rarely grew from the pupils' enthusiasm or choice.
(135) It was completed in 1970, at a cost of one billion dollars - a huge sum in those days.
(136) In those days, much of the daily press was literally for sale.
(137) Even in those days, the architects never had to consider the word processor, the microcomputer, the fax machine.
(138) The Faculty in those days was comparatively small, and still dominated by old men who were primarily literary historians.
(138)try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(139) Stricter morals also were more widely accepted in those days.
(140) That passed for big-time entertainment in those days, even in the so-called Roaring Twenties.
(141) In those days married women didn't work, so for her it was the ideal solution.
(142) Gas was basically free in those days, and somebody actually pumped it for you.
(143) In those days, women wore corsets and up to five layers of petticoats.
(144) In those days cookery writers weren't just filling out their recipes with ingredients they were being paid to sell.
(145) It didn't deter many of Hollywood's young stars in those days of silent movies from using drugs.
(146) But any information from behind the Iron Curtain was treated like gold dust in those days.
(147) I kept on at the council, but it wasn't easy to get a council flat in those days.
(148) He wore tinted blue glasses, a rarity in those days.
(149) In those days of fewer opinion polls they seemed to play a much smaller, less intrusive part in the elections.
(150) For me it was fundamentally feeling part of a community, a word we didn't use in those days.