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91, This case study tried to explore the effects of token economy treatment on the school-aged child with attention deficit hyperactivity dis order (AD HD) in the classroom. 92, Scientists pointed Nasa's Infrared Telescope Facility at a distant planet called HD 189733b some 63 light years away in the constellation of Vulpecula. 93, Conclusion Blood transfusion was the primary risk factor for HCV infection in HD patients, but iatrogenic transmission of HCV through HD environment could also exist. 94, Warning! You need to update your HD Audio bus driver. 95, These indicate that HD is closely related to CMV infection. CMV infection may be an important teratological factor of some congenital malformations including HD. 96, What not use HD in Blu - ray video recorder of Panasinco? 97, The Earth-size planet seen by the European astronomers appears to be one of seven circling the star, HD 10180, located in the constellation Hydrus. 98, The adsorption behavior and mechanism of HD - 2 resin for Dy ~ ( 3 + ) is investigated. 99, Hirschsprung's disease(HD) is the common cause of neonatal lower gastrointestinal obstruction. 100, Hemodialysis(HD)or hemoperfusion(HP)was performed on 12 and 17 patients, respectively, with a variety of severe drug overdosage and poisoning. 101, According to the company, both have a maximum HD recording time of 29 minutes but with a caveat — optical image stabilization needs to be turned off. 102, And since HD 209458b is a pretty typical "hot Jupiter"—the nickname for close-orbiting gas giants—it's "almost certain" that all hot Jupiters have comet-like tails, Linsky said.