快好知 kuaihz

1. Even with the magnification of a monocular, I can barely make out indistinct humps gliding through the darkening water. 2. A vehicle detection method using monocular vision is proposed. 3. Monocular diplopia is partly resulted from operative complication. 4. Objective : To study the effect of monocular occlusion on amblyopia with latent nystagmus. 5. When a horse switches from monocular vision to binocular vision, this causes objects to jump and distort - until focused on again. 6. This paper analyzes the monocular stereo vision algorithm based on bifocal imaging. 7. This paper presents an embedded monocular vision system for object tracking in real time with coprocessor architecture based on DSPand FPGA. 8. At last, an algorithm based on monocular vision for this purpose was put forward and proved by experiments. 9. The speed of establishment of monocular alimentary conditioned reflex and differentiation was studied in 8 rabbits. 10. Taking the specially designed planar target with the monocular vision system, the projection line of the reference points is built. 11. A method to measure object distance by monocular vision was proposed. 12. Binocular stereo vision has incomparable advantages over monocular vision and it is a preceding research area of machine vision. 13. For this method belongs to monocular vision, it avoids the unefficient problems of the correspondence of stereoscopic vision feature point. 14. CONCLUSION:Binocular or monocular medial rectus muscle resection in treatment of convergence insufficiency concomitant exotropia has satisfactory effect. 15. Horses cannot use binocular and monocular vision at the same time. It is very important to have your horse attention when working with them. 16. The whole perspective construction is based on monocular vision and is approached by an analysis of vision in which Alberti examines the way bodies seem to change their appearance. 17. In order to improve image processing speed for lane detection in structured road, an algorithm with monocular vision self-adapting dynamic window is proposed. 18. Gazebo models not only standard robot sensors (such as inertial measurement units, GPS receivers, and monocular cameras) but also real-world rigid-body physics for robotic environments. 19. After that, according to the vision range finding principle, we design monocular vision range detection method for highway based on the theory of lane rebuilding and clairvoyance projection. 20. In order to improve the real-time and accuracy of the vehicle detection technology in the application, it shows a vehicle detection method based on monocular vision. 21. Our research extends a new field of underwater vehicle for the 3D pose measurement technique of model-based monocular vision. 22. An approach to the estimation of the motion and structure parameters of brachium and leg based on monocular image sequence is proposed. 23. Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficiency of fitting soft contact lens for monocular aphakia children. 24. Objective: To explore the hitching mechanism between the binocular and monocular cues in stereopsis. 25. DDX-08 is a multi-purpose intelligence dancing robot based on EC5-1719CLDNA, which can identify and track human motion through monocular machine vision and tracking algorithm under complex background. 26. This paper introduces a method through the measurement by monocular vision which is used in the self-localization by mathematic method. 27. This paper proposes a global self-localization method and navigation strategies for indoor mobile robot, based on monocular vision and multi-sonar sensors to recognize the doorplate. 28. To make up for the defects of the traditional manual observation of fire-point location in forest, a real-time location method based on monocular vision technique for fire-point in forest was studied. 29. Objective To observe the clinical effect of operation of nanophthalmos with implanting monocular piggyback intraocular lens. 30. However, in order to obtain images with different information, it requires better image and lighting systems than monocular vision system.