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31 This has enabled the publishers to receive instant revenue from the advertisers and ongoing income from royalties and cover price sales. 32 Government lawyers have been encouraged by a 1997 Appeal Court judgment preventing the spy George Blake from receiving royalties on his autobiography. 33 By 1597 they were in default on rents and Royalties. 34 Nowadays record companies use impeccable accounting techniques, assisted by computers, to calculate the royalties for composers. 35 A district judge will decide later the amount of money and interest the musicians must receive from royalties. 36 The institute will hold the patent and distribute the royalties. 37 Like advances from record companies, this will be recoupable out of future royalties. 38 The same was true of the publisher, who paid all fees, monies, and royalties to Quinn through the agent. 39 Royalties vary depending on the perceived value of the artist to the record company. 40 Who else devotes all their single royalties to AIDS charities? 41 The islanders inhabit the coastal strip only, and subsist almost entirely on royalties from the mining. 42 Royalties earned from the publications have purchased land upon which students have reconstructed cabins and preserved cultural artifacts. 43 As a result, publishers have few costs to charge writers and composers against their publishing royalties. 44 I was thrown out by some irate trendy who kept muttering something about royalties. 45 All the costs were met by the coal companies, who then paid royalties to the landowners on the tonnage produced. 46 Substantial private income augmented by vast salary and royalties from books Twittish behaviour: Pretty sound, by and large. 47 Someday I hope to write a book where the royalties will pay for the copies I give away.Clarence Darrow 48 Money both big advances against royalties and generous royalty rates once a record began to make a profit-were powerful inducements. 49 Hoffman-La Roche will pay an undisclosed signing fee and product royalties. 50 This is to ascertain whether these companies have paid over the correct royalties to the band. 51 If their copyright music becomes a record and is sold, royalties become due. 52 In his public-spirited will, he left his royalties for its promotion. 53 The famous hospital gets all royalties from the books, and has already received £287,000 for the film. 54 Barneys said the two parties could not reach agreement on financing, royalties, equity and trade name issues. 55 Royalties on record sales govern how much an artist earns from his or her recording career. 56 The big corporations, fearing their royalties would disappear down a Web plughole, ganged together to sue Napster. 57 The author's royalties will all go to charities working to improve the welfare of farm animals. 58 The company said it expected income from royalties to grow as more printing equipment manufacturers take out licences for its technology. 59 The advantage of tera-ethyl lead was that it could be patented and royalties charged. 60 A battle over music royalties threatens a nascent industry.