快好知 kuaihz

1, Our car stalled and wouldn't restart. 2, The commissioners agreed to restart talks as soon as possible. 3, The ferry service has restarted after an interval of 12 years. 4, If an athlete makes a false start, the race must be restarted. 5, The doctors struggled to restart his heart. 6, The trial will restart today with a new jury. 7, Please restart your computer to complete installation. 8, The crew fought a losing battle to try to restart the engines. 9, After a goalless first half, Australia took the lead within a minute of the restart. 10, I wanted a clean break so that I could restart my life. 11, A re-start appeared to rectify these problems. 12, And next year, the requests might double, with the whole dreary cycle restarting at an upped ante. 13, As far as restarting the musical life in Vienna was concerned, we had the problem that the occupying forces often contradicted each other. 14, He says that the case for re-starting Newent's night time ambulance service has been proved, albeit with tragic consequences. 15, They were at it again within two minutes of the restart, as Shaun Bartlett fired over from close range. 16, The board threw out the bids from the three finalists, including Heritage, and restarted the process. 17, A normal bowel pattern was accomplished first then toilet training was restarted. 18, Zanardi took the lead Sunday and held it through a lap-seven restart, which was caused by a crash by Paul Tracy. 19, The engine did not re-start, and the plane dived to the ground. 20, The interviewer is looking for a relapsed sport or hobby which can be restarted and used as behavioural tasks in homework assignments. 21, While she was trying to restart her Mini Metro car another came round the bend from Darlington. 22, Save the changes and re-start the Web client application. 23, The concern is that if we do not re-start lending in this country, our recovery will be choked off before it even begins. 24, Re-start cluster member, enabling it to begin processing application requests again but executing the new Version of the application. 25, After his lunchtime lecture from a furious Mr Major, he agreed a joint statement calling for talks to re-start immediately. 26, However, if you want to install additional products onto the current computer you can re-start the TM1 9.5 Setup.exe and choose "Modify" and then select the additional components. 27, That is why this administration is moving swiftly and aggressively to break this destructive cycle, restore confidence, and re-start lending. 28, But, as I said before, the precipitation was to re-start . 29, If the record is dirty (i. e. different version to yours), then you abort the transaction and the user can re-start it. 30, Pyongyang last week announced it had stopped dismantling its main reactor and threatened to re-start it if Washington did not remove it from its list of "state sponsors of terrorism."