revert to造句31 As McKinsey laments, given half a chance they revert to old habits.
32 I was soon to revert to these matters.
33 Must he revert to Ellen always?
34 Breathing, pulse rate, and blood pressure revert to normal.
35 When you and your maybe-likely-soon-to-be ex cease to be an item and revert to singlehood, when should you revise your online relationship status?
36 Although we all like moving forward, it is often useful to go back to reproduce a build or revert to a good known state.
37 Clicking on Column 2 to sort it causes it to sort in descending order, which makes Column 1 revert to its default sort order of ssortascon.
38 Properly heat-set cloth will revert to its original set position if the temperature at which it was heat –set is not exceeded.
39 We'll revert to your enquiry as soon as fresh supplies be available.
40 In tough times, many employers revert to thinking critical jobs can only be done full-time, flat-out and under the boss's nose.
41 Without endless watering, these fields will quickly revert to desert.
42 According to Laws of Republic OF SOUTH AFRICA, at the expiration of 7 (Seven) years, the money will revert to the ownership of the South African Government if nobody applies to claim the fund.
43 When school is over , pupils revert to speaking their mother tongue.
44 Shall we revert to the matter we talked about yesterday?
45 If you have custom drivers specific to your hardware, you may need to revert to default settings or try compatible hardware support.
46 She had meant to revert to her former condition of important and cultivated uncertainty.
47 Peasants were allowed to adhere or revert to individual farming in Poland.
48 Jeroboam thought to himself , The kingdom will now likely revert to the house of David.
49 We'll revert to the question of exclusive agency when opportunity arises.
50 Reintroducing as few as four master regulatory genes into adult skin cells, for instance, caused the cells to revert to a primitive embryonic cell type.
51 And then floating roll revert to the original balance position.
52 They will revert to tilling the earth in an old-fashioned way.
53 He's stopped taking drugs now, but he may revert to taking them again.
54 Best of all, our suggested changes would allow academe to revert to its proper focus on quality research and rededicate itself to the sober pursuit of knowledge.
55 Some days I revert to being a dartboard , but Isoon run out of the love and power to bless others.
56 After winning the club, East can simply cash the ace of spades and revert to clubs.
57 If unable to contact Kun Ming Control, revert to this frequency.
58 If you die without heirs, your property will revert to the State.
59 Let us revert to the earlier part of the chapter.
60 Faced with too many choices, they just stop reading, or revert to the sports page.