快好知 kuaihz

1. In borderline cases , the student's coursework is considered, as well as exam grades. 2. Coursework accounts for 40% of the final marks. 3. As a general rule most students finish their coursework by the end of May. 4. Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results. 5. The final marks awarded for coursework will depend upon the moderator. 6. Coursework and project assessment, written examinations and dissertation. 7. The diploma requires 30 hours of coursework. 8. I'm just so behind on the coursework. 9. Coursework and examination questions are an idiom in themselves. 10. Coursework gives a solid conceptual grounding introducing major themes from economics, sociology, history and business management. 11. Coursework often now comprises both practical assessments and longer projects and individual studies. 12. Even our expectations and standards of coursework for many college-bound students remain shockingly low. 13. Coursework may be carried out individually or in groups; the latter may involve peer assessment. 14. Fears that coursework vital to pupils' examination grades may have been destroyed in Sunday's blaze proved groundless. 15. The research centre provides specialist coursework, in parallel with that provided Faculty-wide on research method and design. 16. Candidates who achieve the required standard in coursework and written examinations proceed to the submission for the MMus. 17. For most short coursework essays, this may well be enough. 18. At the cut-off time for the coursework an electronic drawbridge goes up: students are no longer allowed to write to their directories. 19. Assessment is by coursework; dissertation work is carried out and supervised on the basis of individual interests. 20. Would coursework in psychology enable me also to turn scholarship out on to human affairs? 21. Having finished with his coursework that spring,[.com] he was only scheduled for thesis hours in the fall anyway. 22. Some 20 per cent of marks are awarded for coursework. 23. Half of the marks are for the exam, and half are for coursework. 24. While written tests are primarily concerned with the content objectives, mathematical investigations submitted as coursework test the process objectives. 25. David Quarmby helped her in choosing these topics and assisted her with some of her coursework. 26. Moderators may request, in borderline cases, and otherwise at their discretion to see student's marked coursework assignments. 27. It takes a lot of time, space and organization to keep track of pupils' GCSE coursework. 28. This can require attendance at postgraduate courses, and perhaps some Masters degree coursework in the same field. 29. The course is taught by seminars, workshops and groupwork, and assessed by coursework, project assignments, and a dissertation. 30. In education all Stage I modules are assessed 60 percent coursework, 40 percent seen examination.