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31. Gastrin is the designation given to a family of protein hormones produced by the mucosal cells of the gastric antrum. 32. Serum gastrin concentration was measured by radioimmunoassay with antibody R98 as previously described. 33. Recent work has focused on the gastrin acid secretion feedback loop and identified a number of potential pathogenetic pathways. 34. Plasma gastrin concentration was measured by radioimmunoassay with antibody G179 provided by Professor Bloom. 35. Obviously, this differentiation can readily be made by measurement of serum gastrin. 36. It is this dual defect that causes their considerable sixfold increase in gastrin mediated acid secretion. 37. We measured circulating gastrin to determine the concentrations of gastrin required to produce half maximal acid secretion. 38. Hence, many of these patients may actually have supramaximal gastrin concentrations. 39. At this time the basal and meal stimulated gastrin concentrations were reassessed as described above. 40. This correlation argues for the possibility of synthesis of platelet activating factor precursors in cells sensitive to gastrin stimulation. 41. Discussion Our current results confirm that treatment which both heals duodenal ulcers and eradicates H pylori significantly decreases basal plasma gastrin concentrations. 42. Kothary etal have reported that terminally extended forms of gastrin in conjunction with G14 are more prevalent in duodenal ulcer patients. 43. Antral gastrin and somatostatin cell densities and fasting serum gastrin concentrations were similar in the two groups of patients with Zollinger-Ellison sydrome. 44. Gastritis with atrophy and the consequent loss of acid mediated inhibition of gastrin release contributes most to this increase. 45. To ensure accuracy, gastrin measurements were performed in the same assay batch. 46. The plasma gastrin concentrations in the various groups increased in the same order of magnitude as expected from the gastrin dose given. 47. After eradication of H pylori in the duodenal ulcer patients both their basal acid output and basal gastrin fell by 50%. 48. In man and other species, there is accumulating evidence that gastrin stimulates acid secretion by releasing histamine. 49. Gastrin is a gut hormone produced by G cells located in the gastric antrum. 50. Antisera R526 was raised in rabbit to synthetic human gastrin fragment 1-17 of G34, coupled to chicken egg albumen using glutaraldehyde. 51. Increased basal serum gastrin is related to atrophy and to infection with H pylori. 52. Despite this reduction in plasma gastrin, no consistent changes in rates of acid secretion have been documented after eradication treatment. 53. Bombesin, Gastrin Releasing Peptide (GRP), Rabbit anti. 54. Methods: The gastrin levels in the arterial and venous blood of the cancer area and its cancer tissues, paracancer mucosas, and normal mucosas by radioimmunoassay in 26 patients with gastric cancer . 55. Curcuma Longa probably include the excitant or antagonist of gastrin receptor. 56. Subsequent to DPG - BII and PPSG serum gastrin, which increased after HSV, decreased. 57. All types of vagotomy cause an increase of basal and postprandial serum gastrin levels. 58. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome is a disorder where increased levels of the hormone gastrin are produced, causing the stomach to produce excess hydrochloric acid. 59. The effects of electrical damage of the nucleus raphe magnuson gastric acid output and serum gastrin level in anesthetized rats were observed. 60. To explore the relation between personality, mental status, serum gastrin and functional dyspepsia and its subgroups.