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application system造句
61, The anti-interference technology is important means to improve the reliability of the Simple Chip Processor application system. 62, The stability of microcomputer application system is affected by all kinds of unstable factors. 63, In commercial code application system, goods and commodity'price differences by different commodity code to identify. 64, Studied in accordance with the technology of photoelectrical detection and detecting transient light signal, the thesis presents the application system for detecting transient light signal. 65, At last we developed industry time series application system based on J 2 EE. 66, We will discuss the techniques or integrating data management with process control in the application system of FujianBighway Toll Gate Network Management System in this paper. 67, The paper studies the key technologies of the HowU Network Computing Platform: the mechanism of separating the application system and and the kernel software, and the improvement of the LVS system. 68, In microcomputer application system real time control can be fast and accurate by PID algorithm. 69, This system is based on OTC the AX-MV6 robot in the plane hot cutting domain, particularly in spatial hot cutting domain model application system. 70, From an application system, this paper analyzes the privacy and authenticity of a security protocol in the electronic fund transfer system with a formal proof method. 71, Since China and the United States patent system exists in relatively large differences in the differences, this article on the U. S. patent system, U. S. patent application system more in-depth study. 72, The fault diagnosis system of the locomotive electric transmission circuit described above is an application system, which include of signal sampling, data transmission and fault identification. 73, Therefore has the necessity to carry on the discussion to in the frequency changer application system disturbance question, promotes it further promotion application. 74, CORBA is excellent in isomerous environments and becomes an important technique for enterprise multi-layer application system.