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31. I shall discuss later the theoretical objections to technological determinism. 32. The necessary order in the historical determinism of Karl Marx is in the contingencies. 33. Einstein was distressed at this loss of determinism. 34. Marx subscribed to a philosophy of economic determinism. 35. According to soft - determinism, both libertarianism and hard - determinism are founded on a shared misconception. 36. Biological determinism in psychology is a theory that takes biological factors as the main or even the sole source of psychological law of causation. 37. Unfortunately, such views are not so influential in this age of economic determinism, even if governments often pay lip service to them. 38. Americans might take their imperial responsibilities for running the global system more seriously, Ferguson suggests, were they not befuddled by dubious theories of economic determinism. 39. In human history, there had existed environment determinism, environment probabilism and human centrelism. 40. Secondly, this study intends to break through the traditional criminal "economic determinism" analysis mode, set up a clash of cultures led migrant workers to explain the reasons for crime patterns. 41. This is wrong. It concerns one point that Yan Fu confuses Schwartz greatly, i. e. to vacillate between determinism and voluntarism. 43. He spent the second half of his career trying to poke holes in the theory and to subsume it in a unified theory that would restore certainty and determinism to physics. 44. Popple through human history does not have the objective law and the historical process is unpredictable argumentation, the negative to history determinism. 45. Only economism and economic determinism are the unreasonable value ideas which push the economic importance to the extreme in theory and reality. 46. One can experience through these paintings the reconciliation of determinism and contingency, fatalism and free will; as well as the palingenesis of order and chaos. 47. Determinism is the view that every event has a t cause. 48. History determinism is a theoretic fable made by naturalism, we should clean it out from law. 49. Due to his world outlook of apriorism and knowledge's determinism, the'prove-false principle'applied in his analysis is purely the metaphysics methodology. 50. It is the concentrative reflection of materialistic view of history of Marxism and the essence of population theory of economic determinism. 51. Indeed, soft - determinists believe that determinism is a necessary condition for moral responsibility. 52. In other words, there is no determinism, man is free, man is freedom. 53. According to Kuznets theory on per capita income determinism, the economic growth determines the transition of industrial structure. 54. Interfix determinism includes determinism and X-determinism concepts. The precise definition of the former is essential to the analysis of the latter. 55. After taking license plate, the determinism that the website manages, lawful sex and invariability decided come down. 56. The saying central on "Science Ethic" has many kinds of ways to express, the representative paradigm are determinism of ethic, dualism assorting with science and ethic and anti-logos centrism act. 57. Determinism is the theory that the world, or nature is everywhere subject to causal law. 58. Communism offered a coherent belief system, based on a false theory of the perfectibility of man and the pseudo-science of economic determinism. 59. Determinism controlled by reductionism is becoming self - deficient more and more visibly. 60. The modernists' sense of time, characterized by determinism, absolutism and progressivism , and in the highest flight since modem time, has been seriously queried and challenged.