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61. Hello, and welcome to World Business Report, I'm Jane Sinclair. 62. All France noted the dignity and courage with which DSK and his wife Anne Sinclair bore their public humiliation and the threats of 30 years in prison. 63. Gretchen Gregory is an instructor at the Sinclair School of Nursing on the Columbia campus of the University of Missouri. 64. Team Taylor; Ofori, Mancienne , Cork, Bertrand ; Bridcutt ( Anderson ); Furman, Sawyer ( Hutchinson ); Saarlema ( Ismail ); Cummings, Sinclair. 65. Upton Sinclair dwelt on "the inferno of exploitation" in Chicago's meat packing industry in "The Jungle" (1906). 66. The present thesis attempts to analyze Sinclair Lewis's satire on the convention in Arrowsmith . 67. Sinclair also provides traditional training for police officers, firefighters, chefs, nurses and auto mechanics. 68. Upton Sinclair exposed the stomach-churning conditions of the Chicago stockyards in his 1905 novel The Jungle. 69. Turns out American factory culture may not have changed enough since Upton Sinclair wrote "The Jungle," to stop bacterium-infected food products from hitting store shelves. 70. Wearing a dark suit, Strauss-Kahn arrived at the courthouse with his wife, French television journalist Anne Sinclair, walking beside him, arm-in-arm.