快好知 kuaihz

61 Often the hash function involves using the modulo operator with the table size. 62 As the name implies, the hash part a hash algorithm to store and find its keys. 63 Access control lists (ACLs) are objects with an owner and an indexed list, or hash, as illustrated in Figure 2. 64 The only available collection data structures are vectors, stacks, enumerations, and hash tables. 65 Since the hash is not reversible, there is no danger in the password being captured (even from a memory dump) but this cache does have implications. 66 Synthetic match and Hash table are introduced to improve SPECK. 67 He waited for the man to stroll down a short flight of steps—until a hash mark on the aiming vector indicated his first shot would angle harmlessly into the parking lot. 68 In open addressing, when a data item can't be placed at the index calculated by the hash function, another location in the array is sought. 69 This algorithm improves the efficiency of mining, stability and availability by restraining the Hash address conflict. The experiments sh... 70 Supplies a hash code for an object, using a custom hash function. 71 By specifying an interface for accessing the buckets of the container the standard pretty much requires that the hash table uses chained addressing. 72 A new Hash function based on scheme of one time password system is raised in this paper. 73 To use the value, you have to remove the hash mark: Use the XSLT substring() function. 74 Given a password and a string identifying the hash type, produces a hash password suitable for storing in a configuration file. 75 The construction of a provable hash algorithm is developed based on the operations from various groups, also, a safety message authentication code is presented by the result. 76 An optimized hash table algorithm-move-to-head (MTH) is introduced to improve the state inspection speed. 77 Although not specified in the Javadoc, implementations of this hashCode method typically cache the hash code value in the object after computing it. 78 The next two while loops simply scan the detection area for precipitation pixels as defined by their color match to those specified in the colorList hash variable. 79 The part of the src URL following the fragment identifier (hash mark) can be retrieved using the window.location.hash element, as shown in the function defined for the onLoad event. 80 Fortunately, the whole discussion of overflows does not apply to the hash index that I implemented. 81 If the stamp does not really hash with the purported leading zero bits, it is not valid. 82 The output from the command is a 40 - character checksum hash. 83 The message digest (also called the message authentication code) is computed using a hash function. 84 Signature algorithm and hash function by the functional composition from RSA. 85 If key's length is longer than 64, then use hash to digest it and use the result as actual key. 86 The hash code entered is invalid. Try importing a hash code from an assembly. 87 She had a little hash cannon in her head kit. 88 Yet Chinese officials' reflexive response to more serious cases remains the cover-up. The pet-food case saw a classic hash of a government PR job. 89 Using a simple hash over the OID, each object is assigned to a placement group. 90 Of course, the naiveness of mental activities is the embodiment of their incapability of independent thinking by facing up to the hash reality.