快好知 kuaihz

241) The virus is spread when an uninfected (or unvaccinated) person eats or drinks something contaminated by the stool of an HAV-infected person: this is called faecal-oral transmission. 242) There are two threads: one assumes that in every time unit, a zombie eats the brains of a human, converting that number to zombies. 243) He never cooks and always eats out or has a takeaway. 244) British artist Mark McGowan eats a piece of corgi dog meat as he protests in London, May 29, 2007. 245) Poet W. H. Auden Wrote: Evil is unspectacular and always human, and shares our bed and eats at our own table. 246) But the way she eats, I'm sure she'll gain it back and go back to the fat farm next year. , R. 247) The child eats this from the birth, one week must eat a big pot. 248) Dicken is a good-hearted boy, because he can when Corrin duplicate constructs gives Corrin the pine to deliver eats, certainly he is also a lively open and bright child. 249) I think a gourmand is someone who eats an excessive amount of food, replied Lydia. 250) The black soybean is best, eats the walnut, the black-seeded sesame, the auricularia auricula, the mushroom. 251) He's a big , greedy , etc eater, ie He eats a lot, eats greedily, etc. 252) The man who eats muesli lives next to the one who keeps cats. 253) The cancellation eats and drinks too much at one meal, need to regulate appetite axis, promote from the brain and arrive bowel to orderany quickly to launch then solution constipation problem. 254) If a bank loses money in a recession, which eats away at its capital, one quick way of improving its capital ratio is to lend less and just salt away any loan repayments that come in. 255) My mom has a pet peeve about watching TV while our family eats dinner. 256) Read what Grag and Mark eat at their school's cafeteria and what Megan, who brings her lunch from home, eats. There is a vocabulary list and many illustrations. 257) They like the fruit taking between-meal snack, but very little eats up a gallonage the ice cream. 258) The cormorant is a large, long - necked , dark - colored bird which lives near sea coasts and eats fish. 259) Serious working pressure headachy desire crack, but do not neglect, eats food which gets into the stomach also induces one of headache factors. 260) As the caw eat cow eats, a robotic arm cleans and animal to the milking machine. 261) At the moment, Cyanothece 51142 has small amounts of a hydrogenase that eats up some of the hydrogen as it is produced. 262) Gilbard, a self-proclaimed "junk food king" years ago, now eats salmon five days a week and sprinkles flaxseed oil on his salads. 263) This civet lives in Indonesia, and eats insects, fruit, and berries—including the raw red coffee berry. 264) U. S. Marine eats a scorpion while participating in a jungle survival program during the massive annual combined military exercise Cobra Gold 2010 at a Navy base in Chonburi province, Thailand. 265) The panda eats bamboo. Chomp , chomp , chew, yum my bamboo. 266) Why we love it: You know you are becoming a true Shanghailander when you start craving these eats. 267) A climate that eats into your soul, that leaves you bare as the Labrador coast. 268) He eats a lot at meal times, so he doesn't have to eat in between times. 269) The carp eats plants that suckers use as hiding places. 270) It eats away parts of his skin; death's firstborn devours his limbs.