political system造句31. Depending on the political system, this might entail voting and campaign activities to influence the selection and action of political authorities.
32. Basically, though, the essential features of the political system were those established in the preceding century.
33. But the mass media do not single-handedly give shape to the contours of the political system.
34. But analytically, a political system could exist at any level, even one that does not have ultimate authority.
35. Chronicles written by Roman scholars can give us a good idea of how their political system worked.
36. The marchers demanded a full investigation of the scandal and a fundamental reform of the country's political system.
37. The real obstacle to these programs is that the resources they require are limited by our political system.
38. The state or political system is regarded as a neutral adjudicator in the competition for resources.
39. The legal system and the set of judicial structures in every political system are political.
40. In addition, any classification is time specific, because evolutionary and revolutionary processes can change the nature of a political system.
41. Mills rejects pluralist accounts because they mistakenly assume that power is only located in the political system.
42. Such integration may be seen as reinforcing an allegiant rather than a neutral or alienated orientation to the political system.
43. It also reflects the characteristics of the family as a part of the political system.
44. The prominence of the legislative veto mechanism in our contemporary political system and its importance to Congress can hardly be overstated.
45. Unification had been imposed from above,[www.] without fundamentally altering the existing state and political system.
46. It also may be seen as the product of an allegiant orientation to the political system.
47. The crucial decisions about distribution of goods are made by those with power in the political system.
48. He also sees the need to reform the electoral system to clean up the political system.
49. Its political system was not foisted upon it by an outside power like the Soviet Union.
50. Political development under colonialism is conceived of as institutional change within the political system.
51. Marx and Engels did not foresee the twentieth-century transformation of capitalism as a social, economic and political system.
52. The political system can no longer afford to be indifferent to the economy.
53. In the 1960s and 1970s the Swedish political system was regarded as a benchmark for other European countries.
54. Locke also suggests that a man's presence in a particular state implies tacit consent to its political system.
55. Thus the Khmer Rouge came to power in April 1975 and created yet another political system, renaming the state Kampuchea.
56. The establishment of a new political system based on law was a highly complex matter and needed careful consideration, he said.
57. Every political system defines its boundaries of legitimate action differently.
58. Most individuals rely on political groups to represent their interests within the political system.
59. But he is a man presiding over a collapsing economy and a discredited political system.
60. Marxist analyses of the social structure suggest that the political system is dominated by representatives of the bourgeoisie, the capitalist class.