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world economy造句
1) Singapore punches above its weight in the world economy. 2) We should reintegrate our nation's economy into the world economy. 3) The world economy was given a deflationary jolt. 4) The world economy is in a state of flux. 5) Recent bank failures threaten to upset the entire world economy. 6) We can not lead the world economy and provide for our citizens with only a business-government partnership. 7) The world economy could not swallow this upheaval so easily. 8) If governments really want to shatter the world economy, January 1991 would be an unusually good time to start. 9) Consider the general model of a world economy developed in section 7. 5. 10) Luckily, this strict policy began when the world economy was buoyant, so that its early painful effects were dulled. 11) Since the world economy now rests more on brains than on brawn, intellectual property protection is crucial to honest trade. 12) The impact on the long-term development of the world economy seems likely to be depressing. 13) A successful conclusion would boost the world economy by £200 billion. 14) They also argued that their place in the world economy entitled them to special and separate treatment from the continental states. 15) What a growing part of agriculture all over the world had in common was subjection to the industrial world economy. 16) Time after time,[http:///world economy.html] ministers have tried to shift the blame for rising unemployment to the down-turn in the world economy. 17) The problem ultimately lies in the relative weakness of the Third World economy in the world capitalist system. 18) They see these larger regional groupings as economic insurance policies guaranteeing their participation in the world economy. 19) Special sessions during the assembly discussed the relationship between the world economy, health, development and the environment. 20) Not only do these phenomena still exist, they have been intensified by being reproduced within the framework of a world economy. 21) It was feared that a severe liquidity crisis might ensue and that the world economy would then be plunged into economic recession. 22) I believe that generosity becomes less between nations, as the world economy heads for a more frightening decline. 23) First, consider the case where the integrated 2 x 2 world economy can accommodate R firms in the manufacturing sector. 24) Few expect the EU to take over as the locomotive of the world economy. 25) It is not your job to worry about whether you threaten the stability of the world economy. 26) The other equilibria are with all factors of production concentrated in one country, thus achieving the integrated world economy. 27) In this scenario, Western notions of individual rights prevail, but the world economy is largely depressed and sluggish. 28) However we are not simply waiting for an upturn in the world economy. 29) But this time the two biggest engines of the world economy are at risk of going into reverse. 30) Thus, governments are endlessly seeking to shore up the erosion of the national idea which a world economy inflicts upon them.