documented造句31. This of course has been well documented in the tragic cases of children suffering from abuse.
32. The best documented measure of severity was a simple classification based on each patient's initial state of distress on presentation.
33. A parallel trend which has been widely perceived but less well documented is that of increasing numbers of authors per article.
34. Nevertheless, the problems of this ultimate in fixed track systems are particularly well documented.
35. The arguments for and against this approach to curriculum planning and evaluation are well documented elsewhere.
36. There are still inequalities within marriage, as are documented both in this chapter and in chapter 4.
37. A world in and of itself, a world that census takers had documented, one hundred thousand and growing.
38. His knowledge was real, and he documented it chapter and verse.
39. In the first three years of the program, Emery reported documented savings exceeding $ 2 million.
40. The true story of the Mobro, as documented by the Wall Street Journal, was less cosmic but more sinister.
41. What happens in this situation has been well documented: Each group becomes more cohesive, as members close ranks.
42. If there are conflicts and they are well documented, let them stand.
43. Still, one dramatic form of this migration can be approximately documented.
44. Unfortunately however, these functions are poorly documented and it takes quite some time to discover how to use them.
45. The great auk is one of the few creatures whose final hours can be documented with such certainty.
46. However, studies have documented how increasing economic dependency is the cost of trying to keep families in health and in credit.
47. Being over-generous when pouring one's own is a well documented cause of excessive intake.
48. It documented the huge social costs of large dams, with up to 80m people dispossessed and millions more impoverished.
49. The processes involved in the transformation of the earth sciences world-view are documented in recent studies by Legrand and Stewart.
50. Certain immigrant communities have been documented for many years as having higher mental hospital admission rates.
51. Flanner is rather sparing about details of Picasso's personal life, knowing it to be so extensively documented.
52. She said that it was possible to contract salmonella poisoning and hepatitis from the clams, but no cases had been documented.
53. And, when the time for your evaluation arrives, make sure that these critical successes are documented in writing.
54. The finding documented apparent voter fraud, but the numbers were nowhere near enough to change the results of the election.
55. Training returns, ammo expenditure, equipment serial number, vehicle mileage - all have to be documented.
56. The decision process for loan approval was well documented and of limited complexity.
57. Data sets precluded from analysis are well documented, but the great bulk of typical experimental data will be handled.
58. The file specifications will be documented, and users wishing to load their own files must convert them into the Okapi format.
59. A positive provocation test was documented if upper abdominal pain was present with or without nausea after introduction of duodenal contents.
60. Substantial improvement was documented at follow-up to 2 years in both groups, with no significant differences between groups over time.