heart-shaped造句31 Three hours later, on Christmas morning, we were so excited for Almie Rose to open the little heart-shaped package with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note.
32 A love motel for dogs in Sao Paulo proved a big hit with amorous Brazilian pooches, offering a heart-shaped mirror on the ceiling and headboards resembling doggy bones.
33 In celebration of the company's eighth birthday (and Mr Ma's 43rd), the company's foyer is festooned with pink roses, a heart-shaped poster and an invitation to "share love".
34 A poplar tree of hybrid origin, with sticky, aromatic, resinous buds and heart-shaped leaves, cultivated as a shade tree.
35 Violets: the flowers, along with the heart-shaped leaves of the wild Violet, are edible.
36 Unusual hydrangeas , exotic clematis-type vines covered with white starlike flowers, and bushes spotted with heart-shaped leaves and lilylike flowers bloomed everywhere.
37 Stands the lilac-bush tall-growing with heart-shaped leaves of rich green.
38 Well, there's always Dior, the brand that made the pink heart-shaped diamond ring that Sarkozy allegedly presented to his inamorata to seal their bond.
39 Cut and sew on wing or heart-shaped wing, out of felt, for wings on both lovebird.
40 As we settled into our pink and red doily-covered table and looked over the heart-shaped menus, I was ready to die.
41 In Patagonia, in Lake Gutierrez to be more precise, there is also a small heart-shaped island (picture at Google Maps).
42 Scarlett recalled with contempt Melanie's thin childish figure, her serious heart-shaped face that was plain almost to homeliness. And Ashley couldn't have seen her in months.
43 Inverse triangle: a similar heart-shaped, the amount of large, small jaw, wholesale wedding dresses , are one of the ideal type face, all the collars are suitable.
44 Black-green, round to heart-shaped, may cup up or down, thin, hairy, velvety, pronounced veining .
45 The doggy love motel, complete with a heart-shaped mirror on the ceiling and a headboard resembling a doggy bone, has opened for amorous pooches in Brazil.
46 That summer I got a gold locket for my birthday and cut out a heart-shaped portrait of my dad to wear inside.
47 Each of them was given a goodie bag. When the audience shown the Floating Platform with their heart-shaped torch, the place was liven up beautifully.
48 And there is a triangle, five-pointed star, heart-shaped baby seal provides free graffiti, paint your baby's interest and foster a wide range of intellectual curiosity.
49 He lights a cigar and blows a perfect, heart-shaped smoke ring at Sienna, who laces it with her slender arm as though it were a bracelet.
50 A pink gold heart set with diamonds and a pollen-gathering diamond and rhodolite garnet honey bee. Presented in a heart-shaped, lucky charm case.
51 Crack an egg into the heart-shaped hole, fry up and serve on the toast).
52 A freshwater plant of eastern North America, having heart-shaped leaves with long petioles and spikes of violet-blue flowers.
53 Cut with a heart-shaped cookie cutter placing 2-inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet.