快好知 kuaihz

1. It is with narrow-minded people as with narrow-necked bottle; the less they have in them the more noise they make in pouring out. 2. What a pig-head, narrow-minded jerk! 3. He was criticised for being boring, strait-laced and narrow-minded. 4. His attitude is narrow-minded and insensitive. 5. The people in this office are so narrow-minded, present company excepted, of course. 6. He wanted to escape from the narrow-minded provincialism of the small town where he had been brought up. 7. Nobody except a hard-hearted, narrow-minded politician would laugh. 8. He was too narrow-minded and prejudiced - and bigoted. 9. They are as traditional, narrow-minded and uncreative in their approach to educational debate as the Government. 10. We should not be quite so narrow-minded[/narrow-minded.html], blinkered and xenophobic about the rest of the world. 11. Check any narrow-minded seriousness at the door with your urban trench coat and get ready for an absolute annihilation of bourgeois civility. 12. She's one of those narrow-minded, uptight people who think that for a work of art to be great it can't be pleasurable. 13. It would be narrow-minded and bigoted not to welcome these convergent developments. 14. They are producing throngs of narrow-minded specialists who may be wizards at making money, but who are unfinished as people. 15. He is a narrow-minded person who would crow over other's failure. 16. That is how narrow-minded scientism's orthodox position happens to be. 17. He is critical of the monks, whom he considers narrow-minded and self-righteous. 18. Of course they're going to find in Scripture the sexist views which conform to their own narrow-minded view of the world. 19. Also, our ideological and theoretical workers should always guard against self-satisfaction, narrow-minded conservatism and ignorant boasting, failings which Comrade Mao Zedong warned us against. 20. Even though there is a wealth of genres and mind-boggling fetish products available from Japan, the cultures actually share a quite narrow-minded patriarchal view on sexual pleasure. 21. A government in the hands of a close corporation of lawyers is likely to be the most narrow-minded. 22. I threw a row of arrows, which narrowly passed the narrow-minded man's eyebrows. 23. If you protest Starbucks in the Imperial Palace, why don't you protest speaking English to your Chinese buddy in China? It's ultranationalism, and too narrow-minded.