快好知 kuaihz

tended to造句
181. A small, detailed survey found that older inheritors tended to put aside much of their cash to benefit their own children. 182. For novices, anxiety tended to mount steadily from the day before a jump to the moment of jumping. 183. The old laws were so irrelevant to post-Soviet life that even the police tended to ignore them. 184. The new big cities tended to accumulate in a comparatively small number of countries. 185. Because so much has been put into making such fine volumes, they have tended to increase in value year by year. 186. Eisenhower had not been aggressive enough, he tended to compromise, he could not stir the nation to great deeds. 187. Academic study has tended to emphasise critical thought as the natural companion to learning a subject. 188. The apartments were professionally operated and tended to have higher occupancy rates and rents than the rental market as a whole. 189. Although the new mayors tended to be younger men, they did not represent a new class of people. 189. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 190. They worked diligently and enthusiastically but tended to be aloof from the local inhabitants. 191. Men tended to dominate these movements, both personally and intellectually. 192. Steam hammers, in short, tended to batter themselves to death. 193. Problems that can not be resolved by reasoned debate have tended to be ignored in the hope that they will go away. 194. A lot of the younger officers tended to be very career orientated, and far heavier and aggressive. 195. At staff functions at Burleigh, little groups tended to form. 196. Those with extensive past histories suggesting emotional problems also tended to have longer courses. 197. Survey participants tended to reflect a higher proportion of builders active in the move-up, single-family-housing market. 198. Moreover, manual workers tended to be paid benefits for shorter periods of time and they received smaller amounts than non-manual workers. 199. In patients with active disease, the visual score tended to under estimate disease activity. 200. A new way of consumption was enforced but it tended to sacrifice social economy so as to maintain artificial standards of living. 201. One New York season or performance a year tended to be the rule for modern dance in the 1950s. 202. Successful engineering students tended to be contemptuous of the work habits of lesser mortals. 203. I tended to treat people more as equals than I should have-equal time, equal help.... 204. Heads' realization of the headship role tended to fall into four main types. 205. As a result they were far less interested in literary innovation than the Formalists tended to be. 206. Both formal and informal networks tended to divide into sub-networks and problems arose when these were not brought closely together. 207. In general it was almost exclusively extreme right-wing elements who were first involved, but they tended to be of two distinct types. 208. Davis and Moore have tended to assume that the most highly rewarded positions are indeed the most important. 209. Massot was a pleasant but impossibly long-winded Gaul whose briefest reminiscence about his days in the Resistance tended to last an hour. 210. These later attenders tended to be women who were younger, single, working class.